Chapter 14

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I kept staring at my phone in concentration, trying to decipher the number.

"Do any of you recognize this number?" I faced the screen towards them and watched them take out their phones to check for matches, but it was to no avail.

"What did they send you?" Derrick asked.

I opened the message with a little beeping sound and read, "'I know what you're after.'"

"Maybe they're talking about Rico." Stacey threw out there and we all looked at her in disbelief. I rolled my eyes making it seem like he was irrelevant, but I knew better.

"Well, I think I better be getting home. Erika, please take it easy; everything will be okay." I told her and saw her nod with a small quick slant of her lips.

On the way back home, I couldn't help but think about the weird message and number that appeared in my phone. Who was it and how do they know what I'm after? I don't even know what I'm after! But all those thoughts dissipate when I walk in and see non other than the girl I really wasn't expecting to see nor want to see for that matter. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Your mom let me in, said I would wait for you here while she went to run some errands, but she'll be back later tonight. By the way, I love the warm welcome especially since we haven't seen each other in a long minute. How long has it been now...three months maybe four."  

"Wow, you kept track of the time. Proud of you. What do you want? An apology? Save me the tears. I'm here, so you can leave now. I would say nice seeing you again but we both know I'd be lying."

"We need to talk."

"I have nothing to say to you. Not a damn word."

She was silent but only for a minute. "Fine then just listen to what I have to say. Tony misses you and cares about you. He still loves you, so he-"

"Does he tell you that before or after you fuck him?" She was completely taken aback. "What's wrong? Didn't think I'd find out? Well, you thank the man who loves me for that one."

"Kate please-"

"Save it. He ruined my heart; I ruined his alter ego. Now since we're done here, the door is that way don't let it hit you on your skank ass on the way out." I told her trying not to make the hurt visible in my eyes.

"I'm not leaving until we settle this, Kathrine!" She snapped sternly.

I got close to her face and looked her dead in the eye, taking a deep breath I calmly explained nicely, "Oh trust and believe me, it has already carved into stone. You're nothing but a backstabbing cunt that I would love to shoot in the face, but since I cant then I'm just gonna say that you have Tony. I don't give a fuck anymore.

After a long minute she finally moved away from me and closer to the door. "Fine, but I think you should know you're letting a good man go."

"And I think you should you got that 'good' man will be the same way you lose him, Chrissy."

I could tell she was pondering my words before finally leaving through the front doors. I stormed up the stairs and slammed my bedroom door shut. Standing still, the tears that threatened to fall came gushing out. I sat my bed down and sat on my bed, hiding my face in my palms as my elbows rested on my knees. After a good cry, I reached into my pocket for my phone and stared at the number until eventually I decided to give it a little ring. Unfortunately, no answer.  So, I decided to send her a text message instead asking who they were before finally drifting off to sleep.

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