Chapter 18

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For the past two weeks, Katie closed herself off from her friends and everybody. She kept herself hidden and it didn't get unnoticed by not only Stacey and Erika, but Rico as well.

"Who are you looking for Rico?" Derrick asked as he watched his friend gazing left and right in the cafeteria.

"Nobody." He answered, focusing back on his pizza. Suddenly, Kyle came running with his tray to sit in between Rico and Ashley.

"Cheer the fuck up, dude! It's Prom night, baby, and you know what that means!" Kyle stated in excitement.

"Yeah." Replied Rico in the opposite tone.

"Oh and before I forget, Ash and I have to work on this Bio project after school, so I wont be able to go with you to pick out your tux, Rico." He informed causing Derrick to slow his chewing and try not to give Kyle a disgusted look.

"Fine, Derrick and I have something planned anyway." Rico got up from his seat and left out the back door.

Afterwards, Derrick looked right at him. "What you're doing is foul and I hope you're willing to pay the consequences because he will find out eventually."

"You're not going to tell him, are you?" Kyle asked in a scared whisper leaning towards him for only his ears alone.

"Nope." He then shot up and followed Rico.


"This sucks." Stacey sighed as she poked her mac n' cheese with her fork.

"I know, I just hope she's going to be alright." Erika looked at her friend anxiously while she twiddled her fingers in front of her.

"You need to eat." Stacey scolded, noticing the empty spot in front of her.

"Says the one poking at her food." Erika laughed.

"Hey! I've just lost my appetite for today. You're the one who hasn't eaten in two days and because of the whole Derrick issue which isn't really an issue and you need to stop thinking it is. You do realize that he's noticed you dodging him, right."

Erika didn't say anything instead she twiddled her fingers faster.

"Dammit, will you cut that out. You're making me nervous."

"I'm sorry it's just...Prom's tonight and he'll be there and I really don't want to see him with her."

"Well, my honey, you're not pulling a Katie on me. You're still going whether you like it or not because I spent too much money on that blue dress you had to get."

Erika gave a sarcastic little laugh as she snatched her chocolate milk from her tray and took a swig. At the same time, a petite burnet appeared at their table with a textbook in her hand. "Hey, Erika, do you mind if I copy your notes. I broke my glasses yesterday and couldn't see the board and I can't fail calculus again or my dad will kill me."

"Sure, here. Just need them back by the end of the school day." She reached into her backpack and handed her the notes.

"Thank you so much. You're a life saver!" She dashed away.

Stacey snorted. "Not even gay and still a chick magnet."

All Erika could muster was a laugh.


"You want to tell me what's really going on?" Katie's father asked with a smoking match stick between his lips as he cut the onions with ease.

"What do you mean?" She asked, not really paying attention and kept scribbling in her notebook.

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