Chapter Five

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This doesn't sound like something I need to be here for.

The girl clearly doesn't remember what happened, or she is a damn good pretender.

Now that I think of it, didn't Donovan say she used to do some acting? Maybe the bitch is playing me. I peek back over at her under my eye lashes.

She sure doesn't look like she is acting. She looks like shit actually. Her face is mostly blue or tinged greyish yellow. One of her eyes is still swollen too. The girl sure as hell took a good beating, that's for sure. Her blonde hair is greasy and all pulled into a ball on the back of her head. She seems to have lost weight too. Hard to say with most of her covered by the blankets. Also, she has always been small. Not this small, but she has a small frame. Delicate I guess. When the doctor got all serious about her folks her skin became even more pale than usual. The girl may as well be see through at this point.

"Cassie," The doc began. "I'm so sorry to tell you this, but your parents have passed."

Fucking really? I want out of this room. This hasn't got anything to do with me.

My eyes betray me again and look back over to her face. Her huge blue eyes welled up with fat tears. I noticed the breath she took in quickly. Color came back to her face but it wasn't an improvement. Now she had a greenish tint like she was going to lose it. Her whole body shook with her crying and I couldn't stop myself. My whole body was just betraying me now.

I slid my chair closer to her and grabbed her small hand. I hate when a girl cries. Even annoying little bitchy ones like her. Despite my trying I couldn't help from reaching for her. She was obviously very upset about her parents.

She turned her face to me, tears still falling and I swear that girl looked straight through my soul.

She clung tightly to my hand as the doctor continued to talk.

I nodded along with what he was saying and watched her facial expressions change every time he dropped another bomb.

"What about my sister, Margo?" She squeaked out. I held my breath the same as she did while she waited for the reply. Beyond me I was hoping with everything in me that the doc wasn't about to tell her that her sister was dead too. I wouldn't wish this shit on anyone, not even her.

The doctor is taking way too long to answer this question. "Well?" I prompted him, surprising myself.

He nodded once then looked back to her. "I've been in contact with her, but she refuses to come."


Maybe the better answer would have been that she was dead.

"I don't understand." She said meekly, shaking her head back and forth mechanically. "Margo is my best sister."

"I understand how difficult all this is." He lied to her. "But there is more we need to discuss."

"What more could you possibly have?" she retorted. There was the fieriness I was used to. "My parents are dead, my sister won't see me, and I can't remember the last four years of my life, what more could you possibly have to throw at me."

She can't remember the last four years?? The doctor told me she'd suffered some memory loss, but she didn't say it was that bad. That means not only doesn't she remember what happened to her, but she doesn't remember any of it. Not the business, not Donovan, not me.

The doc opened his files and pushed his nerdy glasses up his nose a little. "Cassie, we need to talk about your toxicology report."

"Toxicology?" She answered him in confusion.

"Yes." He replied. "When you came in we found large traces of alcohol, and also heroine in your system."

She dropped my hand and sat up in her bed quickly. "That is impossible." She said firmly.

"Miss. Clark, please try to stay calm."

"No!" She screamed. "You're wrong. All of you!" she started to breath heavily. "There is a mistake, I have never had a single drink and I have certainly never done drugs!" she looked up at the ceiling. "Heroine." She said in disbelief. "No way, my parents would have kill..." she trailed off. "Who the heck am I?" she started crying again. She turned to look at me, I think she was hoping I'd have answers for her, but I don't. I knew Donovan was messed up in drugs, so it isn't all that surprising that his girl was too. I couldn't very well explain that to her though. Not without telling her exactly what I am supposed to be making sure she doesn't know.

She went back and forth with the doctor for a long while before he finally said they could call it quits. He told her she needed to get some rest and a nurse came in to give her some meds to help her relax a little. She was still sobbing softly when the doctor left the room and I stood to follow.

"Wait." I heard her voice call.

I turned back to her, wishing I hadn't. She looked so pitiful and sad. I bet she's feeling pretty lonely right now. I know all about feeling lonely.

Despite my better judgment I went back over to her. "Yeah?" I asked her.

"I...I don't have a number or anything to call know..." She said awkwardly.

I battled internally with myself. I really should just leave, or give her a fake number. I'm not her actual boyfriend. There isn't any reason for her to need to get back in contact with me. Her face was so sweetly pitiful though. She had those big blue doe eyes. I couldn't stop, I reached out and brushed a piece of her hair that had fallen down back behind her ear. I could tell that my touch made her a little uncomfortable but she didn't shy away from it. "Right." I agreed with her. "I will write it down and put it on this table for you, ok?"

The tiniest piece of a smile crept onto her face and then she fluttered her eyes slowly and drifted to sleep.

Again I told myself to just leave. She'd wake up and there'd be no number and she'd have no choice but to get over it. She doesn't even know me, it wouldn't break her heart or anything. I should turn around right now and get back to Barker and let him know that we are all clear. There was a lot I should do, but all I did do was write down my number and then watch her while she slept peacefully.

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