Chapter Ten

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This is exactly the kind of shit I can't stand. Who the hell does she think she is? My mom?

No, even worse, she thinks she is my girlfriend.

I don't do girlfriends. Never have, and never will. Why someone would want to put up with the same bitching and moaning chick all the time is a mystery to me. I'm kicking myself big time for ever getting mixed up in this. I should have just done what Barker asked me to do in the first place.

Actually, I should have kept my nose out of her business.

When I found her in that alley the night Donovan died, I should have just let her die there. She wouldn't be dealing with all the crap she is dealing with now, and I wouldn't be stuck dealing with her.

But no.

I had to go getting a conscience and save her life. Twice now. All playing the hero does is get you into trouble. Piles and piles of trouble.

Why did she even care if I drove tired or not. It isn't a big deal. What did she think? That I'd get in an accident? Big deal. That should be of any worry to her.

Was she worried about me?

Does that mean she cares about me?

I can't take myself down that road. Not with her. I shook the thoughts away and shoved my helmet on then jumped on my bike and sped home.

All of the lights were off and I didn't notice Baily's car parked anywhere. I would be a chump to believe that she was going to wait here hours for me to come. She'd probably left right after she got here and I didn't come to the door. I'd be willing to bet she pulled out her phone and hit up the next guy on her list. She's probably fucking him right now.

I, on the other hand, am crawling into my cold bed alone.

I was really looking forward to seeing her. Mostly I was looking for to the things I could do with her. I didn't see Baily too often, but when I did it was a given what we were going to be doing.

I laid over on my back and decided I was going to have to get rid of some of this tension on my own tonight. Not how I planned my night, but thoughts of Baily and her tight little body would have to do.

I kept trying to concentrate on picturing Baily in my head but I kept getting thrown off when the only face I could muster up wasn't Baily's.

It was fucking annoying Cassie.

This bitch is even ruining this for me now.

I huffed and rolled over in my bed and went to sleep.


I woke up the next morning around 10. I was hoping to sleep even later since I had gotten in so late last night but I had too much energy buzzing through me.

I need to fix this.

I've got to find some way that I don't have to kill her, but that I can get rid of her.

I want her out of my head, and life, and dreams.

I was interrupted all night last night with dreams of Cassie.

Cassie laughing, Cassie coming out of the bathroom after her shower looking damn adorable, Cassie staring at me but trying to act like she wasn't. It was all Cassie, Cassie, Cassie.

I need some serious space from her, but I don't know how to do it. Today I have got to talk to the docs and see what they say about her recovery. If they say she is going to remember I don't know what I can do but I will have to think of something to protect her from Barker.

Protect her?

What? Now I am her savior all of a sudden? This is exactly why I need this over and done with. I've got to break up with her. However fucked up that sounds, I need to do it. If the docs give me bad news I will lie to Barker about it.

I have to stop getting ready mid shoe tie to marvel at the fact that I just said I would lie to Barker for her. If Barker ever found out the truth he'd kill me without even flinching. Is her life worth more than mine?

I don't want to think about any of this anymore. I want to go back to thinking of nothing but getting out of the business and who will be in my bed next.

I shoot my buddy Troy a text to meet up at the bar tonight. He's the best wingman there is and I am going to have to have someone get my head out of places it doesn't belong.

That's the game plan for today I tell myself heading out of my place. I will go to the hospital, talk to the docs, nicely dump Cassie, and then go out and party tonight. That's exactly what I need to do.


I got to the hospital quickly so I could get this all over and done with. I requested to see Cassie's doctor and a nurse led me to her office to wait.

Not long after I sat down Cassie's doc walked in and sat at her desk across from me. "I hear you have some concerns about your girlfriend's recovery?" She said sweetly. She leaned forward and it seemed a little like she was poking out her chest. "I'd be happy to assist you in any way I can."

Okay, yeah. This broad is hitting on me right now. I looked her over. She wasn't too bad to be perfectly honest. She had thick curly brown hair and grey eyes. I leaned back in my chair and gave her one of my charming grins that usually gets the girls to drool over me. It worked pretty well. Dr. Glenn started to breathe a little heavier and re-crossed her legs under the desk.

Damnit. I'm forgetting why I'm in here. As much as I'd enjoy bending her over this desk, I need to focus on the task at hand. "I'm wondering about Cassie's memory." I said. "Do you know how much she will remember, or when? Is there a time frame for this type of thing?"

Dr. Glenn tried to put her composure back together. I could tell she was still flustered by me, but she tried to sound professional with her answer. "No sir." She replied. "We have no way to know whether she will ever get it back or when." She let out a little sigh. "She may never remember anything, or she could remember it all. She could only remember pieces, there just isn't any science to back a prediction on that. In my own honest opinion, I think it highly unlikely that she will. That is only an opinion though. I didn't think she'd be able to come back from her initial injuries, but she did."

That wasn't the plain answer I was hoping for. She did say though that she doesn't think she will. So if I were to tell Barker that the doc said she won't remember, that isn't exactly a lie. Just a little stretch.

I thanked the doctor and then headed for part two of the hospital trip.

Time to dump my fake girlfriend.

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