Chapter Twenty-Five

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I was pretty sure I heard Cassie get home a couple of hours ago.

I wonder if she liked everything. I made sure that Troy had gone to the best sushi place in Manhattan to pick up her food. He had bitched and moaned about driving that far, but I wanted to get the best there was. I spent a couple hours on google picking out what movies seemed like the ones she would like, and I ended up having Troy pick up 10 different ones. I know all girls like candles so that part was easy. The iPhone was the most expensive part of it all, but she really did need a phone. I haven't got a clue how she hasn't been bothered by not having it. She used to have an older one, but I had ordered her the newest iPhone 6+ and got her a nice purple case since I noticed she has a lot of purple stuff. Troy suggested wine, but I knew she wouldn't want to drink it. I was pretty sure the juice was a safe bet.

I wondered idly if she would come upstairs to see me.

Every time I thought I heard a creak in the floorboards out in the hall I would straighten up in the bed and look to the door expectantly. It was stupid how excited I was to know what she thought.

It had been hours though, and she still hadn't come upstairs.

I pulled back my covers slowly and rolled my body off of the bed. I threw on a t-shirt and some sweats I kept by the bed. I went into the hallway and I could hear that the TV was on downstairs. She must still be watching the movies. I walked on my tiptoes trying to be sure she wouldn't catch me spying on her. I crept down the first few stairs and then ducked my head so I could see into the living room.

The back of the couch was facing me and I could see the back of her head sitting on the couch. She laughed a musical laugh and then turned to face the guy sitting next to her.

Troy smiled back at her and put his arm up and around her small shoulders.

I wanted to run down the stairs and punch him in his smiling face. He must have felt me staring because he turned his head slightly and gave me a wink and a thumbs up behind Cassie's shoulder.

I pulled on my game face and gave him a thumbs up in return and then hurried back to my room.

What the fuck was I thinking?

Screw this whole situation.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Baily.

She didn't answer so I went down my contacts until I found someone who was awake.

"Owen?" Tracy's sexy voice purred through the phone.

"Hey babe, want to come over?" I asked her smoothly.

"You know I do." She answered back.

A half hour later I heard the door buzz.

I shuffled back down the stairs and walked in in time to see Cassie open the door.

"Um, hi." Cassie said to Tracy. "Can I help you?" She asked her sweetly.

I walked up behind her. "It's fine Cassie." I said cutting in front of her to grab Tracy around the waist and pull her into a big dramatic hug. "She's here to see me." I said glancing only for a second back at Cassie.

"Oh..." Was all she said as she backed away from us and closed the front door back.

I kissed Tracy and then smiled back at Cassie who was still standing there staring at us. "Well, um it was nice to meet you." Cassie said awkwardly as she turned to walk away.

"Let's go to my room." I said to Tracy just a little louder than was necessary then grabbed her hand and led her to the stairs. "Oh, and Cass," I called to her before she was out of view. "Thanks for the stuff you put out for me." I said over my shoulder as I pulled Tracy up the stairs and she giggled.

"Yeah, you bet." Cassie said meekly back.

I led Tracy into my room and slammed the door shut.

I stood at the foot of my bed and watched her as she sat in the middle of my bed on her knees and started to unbutton her shirt. I took a deep breath to get my head in the moment and off of Troy downstairs with Cassie. His stupid hands touching her. I watched intently as Tracy slid off the shirt and then lowered her hands to undo her pants and slide them off of her body. She stood on my bed with nothing but her bra and panties on and walked to me.

Tracy pulled off my shirt and pushed my pants and boxers off of my hips. I shook them the rest of the way down and kicked them to the other side of the room. She reached out and ran her hands up my abs then across my chest. I sucked in some air as she leaned in to suck on my neck.

"What happened to you Owen?" She whispered against my skin. "You're all black and blue."

I pushed her shoulder back so that she fell on the bed on her back. I crawled on top of her. "Did I invite you over here so we could chit chat?" I asked reaching behind her back to unclasp her bra then pulled it away from her body. I looked down at her body beneath me. I'm glad her hair isn't blonde. I don't want to think of the blonde downstairs. I only want to focus on the damn sexy red head beneath me.

I spent an hour burying my feelings and my thoughts with Tracy. When we finished and we were panting I leaned over to open the cooler to pull out a drink. I slammed it shut again when I saw that it was empty. "Go downstairs and get me a beer babe." I said to Tracy. She got up and I watched her walk naked around the bed looking for her clothes. "Just throw on one of my t-shirts and go." I said sounding annoyed. I smiled at her and tried to sound nicer. "I'm not finished with you just yet, no need in getting all dressed again. My roommate won't care."

She gave me a seductive smile and picked up the shirt I had been wearing earlier from the floor and slipped it on before striding out to the hall.

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