Chapter Twenty-Four

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Tonight at the club had been awesome.

It was busy and the bar had been full of customers all night. Trix and I could just barely stay on top of all of the orders. I had become quite the bartender, if I do say so myself. I was able to make all sorts of things and the guys always seemed to really like them. Trix had told me I had the gift, whatever that meant. Every night before we leave she has me mix her up something. I still haven't tried anything myself though. Even though I am technically plenty old enough now, I just haven't felt like I wanted to. Partying isn't something in life I have ever looked forward to or anything. Just being here and feeling the music bump around me was a rush enough.

I thought to myself that I really wouldn't mind tending bar as a career. I was used to working through the night now, and I loved it. I used to wake up so early every morning when I still lived at home. My body would never let me sleep in, or stay up late. I was just now starting to experience the nightlife, and I didn't need to be drunk or high to enjoy it.

I do miss acting though.

I still haven't had time to get around to picking up some papers to search for any auditions. This is New York, I would just be wasting my time here if all I ever aspired to be was a bar tender, even if it is fun. Maybe I could act and keep this job. A little extra money couldn't hurt.

The money I made tonight was more than I have made on any other night, even the weekends. I can't wait to get back to Owen's and add it all up. I have got to be getting pretty dang close to having the money to get back home. It was so close I could feel it.

I left the club on cloud nine.

I walked out to the street and was getting ready to grab a cab when I saw Troy walking towards me. "Hey Cass, you done for the night?" He asked as he got closer.

I smiled when he pulled me in for a hug. "Yep, all done!" I said happily.

Troy threw an arm over my shoulders and led me down the sidewalk. "I thought you might want a ride." He told me as we came to a stop in front of his car.

He opened the door and I sat inside. "Thanks, you didn't have to do that." I told him.

He climbed into the driver's seat and we drove off toward home. "I felt bad you had to pay for Owen's pills and I didn't want you paying out even more on a stupid cab when I could easily drive you myself." He smiled.

"How is Owen?" I asked. "Have you seen him today?"

"He's alright, just been in bed all day." He told me. "That was really sweet what you did for him."

I smiled at the thought. I hope Owen thought it was sweet too. "I just wanted to make it easier on him. He was pretty roughed up." I replied.

Troy smiled and rested his hand over on my knee. I was slightly surprised by the contact but I tried not to act like I noticed. "So how was your night?"

"Not bad, I hope yours was good." He said with a sneaky grin. "If not it is about to be."

"What are you up to?" I asked him laughing.

"Oh, you will see."

We pulled up to Owen's and Troy opened my door for me again. I stepped out into the cold air and he gave me another hug. "I hope you enjoy." He said in my ear.

"Enjoy what?" I asked confused.

"Go in and see." He said titling his chin up to the house and walking back around his car to get in. "The door is unlocked." He called before he shut his car door and started the engine.

I walked up the stairs slowly and opened the door. I was mildly afraid something was going to jump out at me so I was smiling trying to not laugh.

When I stepped inside I saw that the lights were all off except in the living room. There were candles lit on the coffee table around a big plate of sushi. My mouth watered as I walked over to it. Next to it was a wine glass and what looked like a bottle of wine. I picked up the bottle and read the label. I laughed when I saw that it was sparkling grape juice. I looked up and saw a note stuck to the TV.

I walked over and pulled it off.

Got you some movies to watch so you can educate yourself

I glanced to the side of the TV and saw a stack of all kinds of movies. I scanned through the titles but I didn't recognize many of them. What really caught my eye was the shiny iPhone sitting on top of the stack of movies with a sticky note stuck to it.

And this phone so you can join the world again

I popped in a movie and then carried the phone with me to the table and started eating. This sushi was amazing, and I couldn't believe he had put so much thought, and effort into surprising me. I clicked the home button on the phone and a goofy picture of Troy sticking his tongue out popped up. I opened the contacts and saw that Troy's number was the only one programmed in.

I clicked on his name.

"Hello?" He said happily.

"I cannot believe you did this!" I told him. "I love it so much, thank you!"

"I just wanted you to have something to be happy about instead of all of the bad things that have been happening." He said sweetly.

"I'm literally in shock that you did all of this." I laughed looking around the candlelit room again.

"Well Owen helped too, but I am so happy you like it."

"Do you want to come back and watch one of the movies with me? I just started 'If I Stay.' I read this book and it was really good."

Before I was even done talking I heard a light knock on the door.

I laughed and ran to let him in.

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