Chapter Fourteen

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It's officially been three weeks since I dumped Cassie.

Eventually I am going to have to set aside time to go up to hers and Donovan's room to clean it out but I just haven't wanted to deal with it. Once I do that then I will have to take all of her stuff to her up in the hospital. Having to go up there would probably just drudge up bunch of the same annoying shit as before. Cassie would want to talk, or be sweet to me and I'd have to sit there feeling like shit for being mean to her.

I'd love to say I haven't thought of her at all, it would be a little lie though.

It's not like I just sit at home all day and night crying into my pillow or writing her name all over my notebooks. I've not lost my mind or anything. I actually don't purposely think of her much at all. It's my subconscious that is having trouble letting go. I still have little snap shot dreams of her most nights.

I know I am only hung up on it because I feel sorry for her. Despite what an awful person she was before, she certainly didn't seem that way now.

The girl used to curse more than I did, and she had a nasty attitude to match her nasty lifestyle. She and Donovan were always partying. If Donovan hadn't been my friend since Barker first brought me into the fold of the business, I probably would have kicked him out. I would have felt bad doing it to him though since he had helped me out so much. Every time I saw him with Cassie they were both fucked up on stuff. They drank through the night and day, and then there were the drugs.

That was the one thing I have gone around and cleaned out from their room and bathroom. I couldn't stand the thought of it all in my house anymore. I'm no saint in anyway but that shit was crazy. I am known to have one too many drinks on occasion, and a little weed here and there never hurt anyone. The trash they were into though was a whole other level. There were syringes, dirty spoons, little baggies of god knows what, and it was stashed all over the house.

There are a lot of bad things I can say about the business, but money aint one of them. We make some damn good money. That is one thing I will miss when I finally get out. I am smart with my cuts though. I save, or use it for important things. I have got a very nice little savings tucked away for when I get out of here, but Donovan preferred to blow all of his cash on drugs and girls. By the time I'd cleaned all the filth out of my house I had a garbage bag full of the stuff. I know exactly how expensive that shit was. I threw it all out though, without a second thought.

I rolled over in my bed and took in one of my favorite sights.

Lying next to me, and mostly uncovered was Baily.

She had her back to me and I ran my hand down here bare spine, feeling her warm soft skin. I kissed at her neck trying to wake her up. I want to get out of my head the way that only this can do for me. I slid up close behind her but she still wasn't waking up. I was about to do a little more to get her to wake up but my phone started ringing.

I didn't know the number but I answered it anyway. "Hello?" I said gruffly into the phone. Whoever this is calling me is seriously cock blocking me at the moment and I do not appreciate it.

"Hello, I am looking for a Mr. Owen Tracer." A man's voice filled my ears.

I rolled my eyes. Probably just a telemarketer. "Yeah, this is Owen."

"Great." He chimed overly happy. "Mr. Tracer, this is Doctor Travon down at Lenox Hill. I am just calling to check in on Miss. Clark."

My face twisted in confusion. "What?"

"Miss Cassie Clark, I am wanting to see how she has been settling in." He said.

"Dude, I have no clue what you're talking about." I told him. "She and I broke up weeks ago." I said lowering my voice a little. Of course now Baily perks up. She turned around in the bed to give me a questioning look.

"I'm aware of that, but how is she?"

"Look buddy, you're going to have to spell it out for me. I don't know if I am just slow or if you've lost your marbles but I got no idea why you are calling me." I ran my hands through my hair and gave Baily a look to leave me alone. She was still just lying there staring at me with her eyes narrowed.

"Ok Mr. Tracer, just please let me speak with Cassie." He said becoming frustrated too. "Is she there?"

My head was actually starting to hurt. "Look doc, why don't you go down to her room and ask her how she is. I don't have a fucking clue."

"Mr. Tracer, I released Miss. Clark a week ago with the knowledge that she would be staying with you until she got her feet back on the ground."

I shot up off my bed and started pacing the floor in front of my bed. "What the hell do you mean you released her??" I shouted at him. "I haven't seen or heard from her since the day I broke up with her! That was two weeks ago man!"

"I don't understand how this could have happened." The doc said. "I put her in the cab myself and had the driver call me to confirm she had been dropped off at your address."

"Well she sure as hell isn't here!" I yelled at him again. "What kind of bullshit are you running? The girl doesn't know anything or anybody and you were just going to let her go with me even after I dumped her after everything she'd been through. You thought it was a good idea for her to come stay with me?!" I was furious.

"I...I just can't begin to fathom what she was thinking? Where could she have gone?"

Is he joking? How can a man this dumb have ever become a doctor? "She was probably thinking that you were trying to force her to move in with some random guy she didn't know and who is an ass. I fucking dumped her. You thought she'd just willingly come live with me? I haven't got any better idea of where she could have gone than you do." I was seeing red as my thoughts got away from me. "Do you know what happens to girls like her who are out on the streets? DO YOU?"

"Please, Mr. Tracer, let's try to think calmly about this. I will call the police and put in a missing person's report."

"Don't fucking bother." I snapped. "That will only make things worse on her." I tried to steady my breathing. "I will find her and let you know. You better be fucking praying to god that nothing bad has happened to her or so help me god I will snap your neck like a fucking twig." I threw the phone onto the bed and quickly started getting dressed.

"What the hell Owen?" Baily said, reminding me of her presence. "What the fuck is going on?"

I picked up her dress from the floor in front of me and tossed it at her. "It's none of your business, now get dressed."

She got out of the bed and pulled the dress onto her naked body. I couldn't even enjoy seeing it, my head was in such a whirl. "Owen, you told me you don't do relationships." She said putting her hands on her hips. "You have a girlfriend?"

I don't have time for this petty shit. I need to find Cassie. I have to make sure she is alright. "No Baily, I don't have a girlfriend." I told her while I took hold of her elbow and led her out of my room.

She jerked away from me as we got close to the door. "Who the fuck is she Owen?? Do I know her?"

I reared back and punched the wall on the other side of the door. If there was any pain I wasn't feeling it yet.

"Stay here if you fucking want Baily." I shouted at her. "I have to go find her!" Then I ran out the front door.

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