Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Leaving Cassie had been a lot damn harder than I had anticipated.

She just had to make everything difficult by giving me those damn big puppy dog eyes and breaking me. I had planned to catch a flight and head back home last night after I left her with her family, but somehow I got suckered into staying here another day. I just want this all to be over with. The longer I stay, the harder it will be to leave, for both her and me.

Cassie can't come back to New York. She just can't. It's way too dangerous. I was so stupidly hopeful that she'd get home and decide this is where she wants to be, but after hearing her tell her family she still wants to pursue acting, I know that was a no go. I hate that I'm going to have to be the one to shut her down on her dreams. I don't want to hurt a single hair on her head, much less destroy her hopes and dreams, but if that is what it will take to keep her safe then I will do it. Cassie will just have to hate me and I will just hate me too.

I had damn near broke when she sent me that message last night about missing me. I haven't ever missed another person in my whole life, yet coming in last night to this empty room and not having her around had done things to me. I felt empty without the girl around. I should have never let her get so far under my skin.

Cassie has called twice this morning already, and it isn't even noon yet. I've ignored the calls but I am pretty sure she will just keep on calling. I decided to go sit on the beach for a while to try and clear my head and to get a game plan on how I am going to make this work.

The beach is pretty much deserted. It is really too cold still for anyone to want to be out, but there are a handful of people like me out anyway. I sat back on a lounge chair and watched the waves role in and out. I was so relaxed I almost fell asleep but then a dog came running up to me. I sat up to pet the yellow retriever on the head as it panted happily. I scanned the areas for the owner when I saw a fine tall brunette walking my way.

"I'm so sorry about him." She smiled. "He has a mind of his own sometimes." Then she laughed squatting down next to the dog to put his leash back on. "I'm Dawn, by the way." She said extending her tan hand.

I shook it politely. "Owen." I responded.

"Well Owen, you mind if I have a seat?" She asked seductively. "I've been chasing this guy around for a while now." She didn't wait for me to respond. Instead she just stretched out on the lounger next to mine and faced me.

I would usually be pretty turned on by a hot girl that is being this forward, especially in the mood I have been in lately but I just wasn't feeling it. I gave her a charity smile and was about to get up to leave her there when I saw a beautiful blonde girl standing off in the distance. As soon as I saw her she was gone, she ran into the hotel and out of my vision.

I bounded after her but she had already made it into the elevator. I knew it was a long shot, but I ran up the stairs hoping I could cut her off before she locked me out of the room. I took the stairs three at a time and got to the door at the exact same time as her. Cassie tried to push me out of the way but I easily overpowered her and followed her into our room. "I guess I know why you haven't returned any of my calls!" She shouted at me.

"Are you kidding me? I wasn't doing anything!" I yelled back. "That chick had just come to sit by me and I wasn't even talking to her."

"It sure looked like you were talking to her from where I was standing! My god, Owen you are ridiculous. I can't believe I had been so stupid. I blew off Trevor because of you, yet here you are at our hotel ignoring me and hitting on some trashy girl." She was visibly shaking.

"I swear to fucking god I wasn't doing anything with that chick, and what the hell do you mean you blew off Trevor?" I demanded. "Did he fucking try something with you?" I shouted. "Did you even wait five minutes after I left or did you just forget about me the second I drove away?"

Her jaw dropped. "How dare you try to turn this around on me?" She asked. "I wasn't the one who acted like a jerk last night and then left. I wanted you to stay with me, I thought about you all night but clearly you didn't do the same."

"Did he touch you?" I asked her again. Just the thought of it made me sick. I knew I hated that guy the second he walked in. He was such a typical pretty boy. The fact that Cassie and him had had a full out relationship pissed me off to no end.

She sighed. "Yeah, Owen." She answered. "He kissed me, and he told me he wants to be with me." She told me.

I stepped forward and grabbed her face, kissing her hard. I wanted to wipe away any traces of that little douches kiss. I kissed her like I hadn't ever kissed her before. She was surprised at first, but she quickly kissed me back and brought her hands up into my hair. I groaned as her tongue mingled with mine. She started to take a little of the control away, pushing me to sit on the bed while she straddled me. She was wearing a jacket and I quickly unzipped it and shoved it away from her body. Cassie surprised me again when she grabbed my shirt and pulled it off. I could feel my need for her growing when she flipped her hair to the side and started leaving trails of kisses from my jaw to my collar bone.

I fell back on the bed and she lowered herself to me again, kissing me fiercely. I flipped her over so that I was on top of her now and I pulled her shirt up quickly but careful to make sure she was accepting it. She helped with getting it over her head and then she grabbed my head, pulling me back down to kiss her again. Our breathing was erratic. We were panting and she kept letting out little whimpers that easily could break a man. Her hands felt down my body until they came to the top of my sweat pants, then she shoved at them. I removed them and then carefully moved to the button and zipper on her jeans. There is something so fucking amazing about that moment you're trying to get a girls pants off and they lift their hips off of the bed so you can pull them down more easily. It's the green light.

I pulled down her pants and pushed them off of the bed and then I entangled my body with hers. I had thought about this for a long time. Seeing Cassie this way, feeling her warm body all over mine, seeing her face flushed, I had longed for this. Now that it was happening I was actually scared. "Cassie." I said her name barely more than a whisper. I kissed her some more. "I don't know about this." I admitted to her.

She sucked on my neck then pulled away slightly. "Why?" She panted. "Don't you want me?" She put her perfect lips back on me. What kind of question was that? Of course I fucking want her, I think that's pretty obvious.

I pulled back from her slightly. "Cassie, are you sure?" I asked her. I know she has been with people before but she doesn't remember it. "This would be..." I started to say but she put her hand over my mouth.

"I want it to be with you Owen."

Just hearing those words come out of her mouth almost undid me right then. I grabbed her and I made love to this perfect girl. I didn't fuck her, we didn't have sex, we made love. I made love to a girl for the first time ever and it was the most perfect thing I could ever imagine. It surpassed all of my fantasies. Making love to Cassie was nothing but perfect. I love this girl, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. "I love you Cassie." I whispered as we finished.

"I love you Owen." She whispered back immediately.


I had clearly worn her out.

Cassie had passed out cold not long after we'd finished. I wanted to kick myself so badly for letting that happen. I wasn't supposed to be getting even closer to Cassie, I was supposed to be leaving her.

I sat out on the balcony and took a long drag off of my cigarette. I turned to look back in at the bed and I couldn't regret a thing. Just the memory of my hands all over her perfect body, and the look on her face when we came together was enough to remind me that I would definitely do it all over again. The comforter and our clothes were thrown to the floor and Cassie was sprawled out in the middle of the bed tangled up in the white sheet. Her now messy blonde hair was spewed out all over her pillow but she'd never been more beautiful.

My phone buzzed, taking my mind away from its happy place.

Troy: Big fucking problem man!

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