Chapter Forty-Six

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Oh my god.

Owen Tracer is here. He is in the audience. He has been watching the whole time. I can't believe I hadn't felt his presence here the entire time I have been on stage. Now it was all I could think of. My mind was all over the place. All I need to do is focus on the matter at hand.

I've got one more song to sing and then I am through. When I finish it, then I can come backstage and obsess over Owen.

I walked back out on stage and began my song.

This is my favorite song in the whole show because it is so sad and sweet. As many times as I have tried to convince myself otherwise, it has always reminded me so much of Owen. This song feels like it was written specifically for us. Now that he is here, I belt the song like my life depends on it. More times that I meant, I let my eyes float right back over to him. I was supposed to cry now, but it wasn't going to be as difficult as it had been in rehearsals. I sang my heart out just for him.

When my song ended, I went back to my dressing room and tried to get my stuff together. I can't let Owen see me in a huge mess or freaking out over him. I can't believe he actually came either.

Two years. It's been two years since the day I watched him drive out of my driveway. Two years and he is still capable of giving me all these feelings I just can't muster up for any other person.

I hear commotion in the hall and I know that the show has ended. We all did it. It had gone even more wonderfully than any of our practice runs. I felt strongly that our reviews in the morning are going to be grand ones.

I stared at my face in the mirror and tried to stay calm. I pulled the pins from my hair, letting the bun fall out and shook my curls free. My hair fell past my shoulders and framed my face perfectly. When I heard a soft knock on the door I adjusted my black dress for the billionth time and then opened the door.

Margo stood there with Danny, the both of them beaming. "I am so proud of you, my beautiful, talented, perfect sister. You did amazing out there." She praised me.

"Yeah you were awesome." Danny chimed in.

I pulled them both in for a hug and then I saw him.

He stopped in the hallway and let me have my moment with my sister and nephew. They congratulated me one last time and then Margo gave me a wink as she passed by Owen on her way out. "We will meet you out front!" She called before she cut the corner.

Owen took a tentative step toward me and extended the bouquet of dazzling flowers to me.

I took them from him and cradled them in my arms. "Thank you." I said breaking the silence.

Owen's eyes roamed me up and down over and over. "I'm sorry I am being an idiot. You just look so beautiful I am at a loss for words." He finally said giving me a charming smile.

"Me?" I asked. "Look at you." I said taking in the sight in front of me. Owen's long locks were gone, now he sported a professional short haircut. He looked so different without the hair and the stubble. His face was clean shaven and he was wearing a perfectly tailored suit.

"I do what I can." He replied giving me that signature cocky grin. "You were so amazing out there Cassie."

"Thank you." I replied blushing slightly. "Thank you for coming."

"As soon as I found out, I couldn't stay away." He told me. "I'm so proud of you for doing this."

I smiled and shifted awkwardly on my feet. "How have you been Owen?" I finally asked him.

"Been good." He replied.

"Me too." I agreed.

"Yeah." He commented. "I can see that."

I laughed. This is so weird. "I've got to go meet everyone." I said awkwardly.

Owen nodded his head and cleared the hallway for me. "Right, I just wanted to congratulate you." He said. "Now I have so...I'm going to go."

He turned to walk away but I couldn't stand the thought of him walking out of my life again just yet. "Owen, wait!" I called to him. "Do you want to get together?" I asked when he turned back to me. "Tomorrow night after the show maybe?"

Owen's smile was blinding. "You have no idea how badly I want that." He professed.

"Great." I replied. "I'll give you my number and you call me later, ok?"

"Yes ma'am."

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