Chapter Fifteen

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I ran up the steps to my neighbors place and buzzed in multiple times. Mrs. Warner opened the door with surprise on her face. "Owen? What's the matter?"

"Have you seen a girl come by my place?"

"Um, Owen." She smiled at me. "I see girls come by all the time."

Damnit, she's right. "This girl would have come by about a week ago. She's about this tall." I held my head up at about my shoulder height. "She's thin, got really light blonde hair, she has giant blue eyes and lashes like you wouldn't believe are real, she's got pale skin, one of those annoyingly perfect mouths."

I started to keep going but then I saw the face Mrs. Warner was making. "Sweetie, are you talking about that young lady who was dating your friend?"

I'm such a complete idiot. I didn't even have the sense to think that obviously she would know who I was talking about. She would have seen Cassie coming and going plenty of times. I brought my hand up to my face in embarrassment. "Yes, that girl."

She smiled and patted me on the shoulder. "I haven't seen her in some time dear, go try the man across the street. I see him in his window watching people with his binoculars all day long." She made a face. "If anybody would have noticed, it'd be him."

I thanked her and ran across the street to his place. I rang the bell just as furiously and explained who I was looking for again.

"Ah, yes." He said rubbing hit nasty beard. "That was very strange. I suppose it was about a week ago now. I saw her get out of the cab. She was carrying a duffle bag and had on some jeans and a thick jacket. She walked up to the door and then when the cab drove off she ran that way." He pointed up the street.

"Thanks." I told him. "You better not use those things to look in my windows." I said pointing at the binoculars hanging around his neck.

His face turned beet red. "Oh no. I'd never."

I ran up the street in the direction he pointed.

Where would you go if you have no idea where you are and have no money? If she was smart she would have gone looking for a job. I still can't believe she would pull this. The girl has some balls to think she can handle this city like this. She must really hate me to not even try to talk to me about her plans first. If I were in her shoes though, I probably would have done the same thing.

I stopped in the first store I hit. It's a not too far from my place and she could have easily walked here. I asked the guy behind the counter if he remembered her and I tried really hard not to think about the sick look on his face when he said he did. He told me she'd come in to use the ATM bought a snack and caught a cab outside.

I walked back out to the street. There is no way for me to guess where she would have gone from here. I hailed a cab and got in. The driver asked me where to but I didn't know what there was to say. I had foolishly hoped I would get in and just have a sudden idea that would lead me straight to her, but I didn't.

I told the driver my address and he dropped me back in front of my place.

I went inside, thankful to find that Baily had decided to split. I really didn't want to argue about this with her anymore today.

I walked into the living room and sank into my lazy boy recliner. I leaned forward with my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands.

Why the hell had I done that? I shouldn't have just ditched her like that. Everything she knew had been ripped out from under her. She'd been dealt blow after blow and she was taking it all in stride. That girl was probably 10xs stronger than I would be in her situation. I can't believe I had acted like such an ass. I could have waited until she was out of the hospital and had her head on straight.

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