Chapter Twenty-One

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It was already 6 in the morning and the sun had started to rise as we climbed into Troy's car. He drove a nicer black sedan, despite the fact that he didn't dress like he could afford it.

"So you and Owen?"

I looked over at him. "What?" I asked.

He cranked the car and pulled away from the curb. "Are you two like...You know?"

I dropped my jaw at him. "What?" I gasped. "No way."

Troy nodded his head. "In that case, would you want to go grab some dinner with me one night? It doesn't have to be a thing. We could go just as friends."

I can't believe he is actually asking me out right now. "Your friend is lying at home hurt and you want to know if I'm interested in dating you?"

"I was just asking." He said raising his hands off the wheel. "I think you're cute, and you seem pretty sweet the way you were taking care of Owen back there. I just thought maybe you'd like to hangout."

I blushed a little at his compliment. "I don't know." I told him. I honestly wasn't sure about it. I looked him over again. He was pretty handsome. Maybe it wouldn't hurt. It's not like I have a boyfriend or anything.

"Owen won't mind if that's what you're worried about." He chimed in. I hadn't been thinking that, but now that he brought it up, maybe that would be weird to date his friend. I decided to try to change the subject.

"What happened to him anyway?"

"Just a little bar brawl, nothing too serious. He's going to feel it for a few days, but he's fine. Owen is a tough guy." Troy answered.

So Owen had been out at a bar? That was why he wasn't home to let me in. That's so not cool of him. I don't need him to babysit me, but he could have at least made sure I had a way to get into the house that he forced me to stay at.

"What did you mean when you said he wouldn't mind if we dated?" My curiosity was piqued now.

He shrugged a shoulder. "Just that he isn't the dating type or anything. I don't think he's ever had a serious girlfriend."

I smiled at him. "Oh, but you have right? You are Mr. dependable?"

He laughed lightly. "That's not what I'm getting at either, smarty pants."

"Oh really?" I teased. "You aren't just talking him down to make yourself look better?"

"Okay, fine." He gave in. "Maybe just a tad. I am dependable though. Owen is more of a one-nighter if you know what I mean."

I did. So he is saying Owen is a player. I guess that's good to know. Not that I was reluctant to date Troy because of Owen. Owen and I aren't even what you'd call friends, much less are we interested in each other. "Ok."

"Ok, what?" He asked glancing at me smiling.

"We can do dinner some time." I smiled back. "Although, I work at night so it may need to be breakfast."

We both laughed. Troy does seem sweet. Maybe I could do something fun while I am still in New York. Hopefully it wouldn't be much longer before I am back home, but that doesn't mean I should waste my opportunities here.

Troy pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed someone. "Hey man." He said into it. "I'm about to swing by there, Owen got in a tight spot tonight and needs some relief. How much for some Oxy?" He paused, then glanced at me. "You have $50 on you? I don't have my wallet."

"Um, yeah." I said staring at my lap. We are buying drugs? I wanted to go by the pharmacy and get some extra strength Tylenol, not go find a drug dealer.

"We got it," He told whoever he was talking to. "It's just Cassie, yeah that one." Small pause again. "Ok, see you in five." Then he hung up the phone.

"Tony says hi." He said to me.

"I used to buy drugs from this guy?" I asked still looking at my knees. I felt so ashamed of the other me. I would never dream of doing drugs, so what happened with her? How did she end up going to Tony's?

"Shit Cassie." Troy said quietly. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought you here. I forgot you're recovering."

I just nodded my head. I wasn't feeling the urge to do anything. I just hated myself for ever doing it before.

"You just stay in the car, I will be right back I swear." He said after I passed him the money he needed.

We were parked outside of a very rundown apartment building. Even as early as it was, there were already people sitting out on the stairs smoking and listening to loud music. I don't recognize this place in the slightest. I honestly don't want to. I would be just fine with it if some of my memories never did resurface. I don't need to relive the things that happened here.

Troy ran back out and threw a paper bag into my lap. I could hear the pills shaking inside of it. We drove back to Owen's in almost complete silence. I was lost in my head, and I think Troy could sense that and didn't try to force conversation. That was just another thing to add to the list of good things about Troy. Too bad it has to go next to the bad things, like that he has a drug dealer on speed dial.

When we got back I ran inside and into the kitchen. I needed to get Owen a drink so that he could hurry and get his meds down. While I was rummaging through the fridge for something other than beer I heard some loud voices coming from the living room. I creeped closer to the door so I could hear.

"Are you a fucking idiot? How dare you take her there?!" Owen was arguing with Troy.

"I'm sorry man," He said back to him. "I wasn't thinking, and you needed the meds and she had the money."

"You made her pay for them too?" Owen sounded even angrier. "She's been working her ass off to save it and you let her use it to buy me pain pills? Come on man."

"Dude, I'm sorry." Troy tried again. "I promise I will think better next time I take her out."

"What the fuck do you mean next time?"

"Oh yeah, I asked if she'd go out with me and she said yes." Troy sounded excited. That made me smile a little.

"Over my dead ass body are you taking her anywhere." I heard Owen say menacingly.

"Ok dude, you obviously aren't in the mood for company. I'm going to get out of your hair until you have some chill back." Troy laughed.

I stepped into the room then with Owen's drink and meds. They both cut their eyes to me but I kept my expression light so they wouldn't know I had been eavesdropping. Troy walked over to me and gave me a quick hug. I hugged him back gently and then stepped away.

"I'll call you." He said to me.

"I don't have a phone yet actually." I said slightly embarrassed. I felt like a 12 year old.

"Oh, well then I will just get with Owen to get to you." He smiled and then let himself out.

I looked back to Owen but his expression was unreadable. I handed him his cup and then two pills. "I hope these work fast." I said kindly.

"Whatever." He snapped and then rolled to face the back of the couch. I don't know what reason he has to be so ill with me. If he doesn't want me to go out with his friend, then fine. He should just say so. I'm not head over heels or anything for Troy so all he'd have to say is that he doesn't want me to. Forbidding his friends from me seems a bit childish.

I decided to chalk up his reactions to the pain he must be in. I sat in the floor next to the couch for a long time. I was a little scared to leave him alone. He seemed to be having such a hard time breathing and having just taken strong pills I didn't want to chance not being here. The exhaustion eventually kicked in from my long night at work and all the excitement since I've been home. I stood up and sat on the end of the couch where Owen's feet were. I wiggled into a space behind his legs and laid my own head down on the arm of the couch.

I fell asleep counting his breaths.

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