Chapter Nineteen

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I dropped Cassie off at the door of the club.

I still cannot stand the thought of her working here, but who am I to tell her she can't? Starting a fight with her over it would just be pointless. I want her to feel comfortable around me, bossing her around and questioning her every decision is only going to make her run. I don't want to be responsible for that again. At least when she is staying with me I know what she is doing.

I kept my eyes on her until she disappeared behind the bouncer. I had to shake my head to get the thought of the way she sways her hips when she walks out of my head. I cannot think of Cassie in that way. Not ever. I need to think of her as a sister I am protecting or some shit. I can't lie to myself though and say I didn't notice how knock out perfect she looked today.

All of her bruising is gone. She has filled her small frame back out and looked like she spent extra time primping in the bathroom today. I hope that she liked all of the things I put in her bathroom for her. I was really uncomfortable with her wearing that dress in there. It hung too close to her body and the dudes in there are pigs anyway, but when they see a girl who looks like her wearing a dress like that they are going to lose their minds.

I jumped off my bike and walked into the club. I found the security guard who works the floor and quickly slipped him $100. "You make damn sure that nobody messes with Cassie, you got me?"

He nodded and I ran back out before she saw me in here.

I pull my bike away from the curb and head for Barker's office. I got a call this morning that he needs to see me urgently. I am sure piece of shit Devin has been in his ear.

When I got to his office I did the usual. Knock and wait, then sit and wait for him to be ready for you.

He looked tired today, more than usual even. He cut his glassy blue eyes at me. "I'm hearing things about you boy." He said folding his hands in front of him.

I huffed. "From Devin?" I asked.

"Him, and others."

"Others like who?" I questioned.

"That part is none of your concern." He mused. "I hear that you gave Devin quite the scare the other night at...what's the name? Carl's?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you care to explain?" He asked.

"Devin was harassing one of the girls out back and I put a stop to it." I explained. "I know how much trouble he has gotten into, and I didn't want you to have to be pulled in again."

"Oh, so this was a selfless act for me then?" He said skeptically. "This incident had nothing to do with the fact that the girl Devin was with was Ms. Clark?"

"Sir, I would have stepped in with anyone, but yes that fact did force my hand a little." I said trying to ease Barker's mind. "Extra trauma to someone like her would be bad for us. The docs said she won't remember, but do you think it is a good idea to have someone she knows pushing her like that?"

"Don't try to play me kid." He snapped. "I know she went home with you last night." He added. "Isn't that someone she knows pushing her? It wasn't ok for Devin to have her, but fine for you to?"

"Sir with all due respect, I am not 'having her.' She is only staying with me for a little while. Nothing else going on."

"The girl keeps coming up as an issue, I want her gone." He told me with narrowed eyes. "Take care of it boy."

"Sir, it isn't necessary." I was back peddling trying to fix this. "Like you just said, people know now that she is staying with me. It would come back bad on me is she suddenly disappeared. Her family is expecting her home. She is leaving to go back there real soon, I promise I will make sure she isn't any more of an issue."

"Don't think I haven't taken note of the fact that you have put your neck out for her twice now." He informed me. "This girl obviously means something to you, and that is the only reason I am going to allow this one more time. But here me when I say, if we have any more trouble out of her I will take care of the issue personally. Understood?"

I breathed a breath of relief. "Yes, Sir." I stood from my chair to leave when he told me to sit back down.

"That wasn't the only reason I called you in." He said. "We had a problem with a recent shipment."

"Which one?" I asked sitting back down.


"What was the problem?" I asked.

Barker turned in his chair and pulled a smaller box out of one of his drawers. "Obviously they were unhappy with what they got." He said sliding the box over the desk to me.

I opened it with little hesitation. I already had a few guesses on what was inside.

A hand. That was my second guess. The first was an eyeball.

"They want more or they are keeping Wesley."

I slid the box back over. "What do you want me to do?" I hate this. I am trying to get out, and every time I am getting close, Barker pulls me back in. I'm one of the only guys he has that he feels he can really trust, so whenever shit hits the fan I am the guy he calls. "Was the supply light?" I asked out of curiosity. Marco's crew was usually pretty easy to deal with.

Barker rolled his eyes. "Hardly at all." He said. "They are just being greedy pansies about it."

"I see." This is not a deal I want to walk in on. If Barker shorted them then they are going to be pretty pissed. Wesley's hand in a box is proof of that.

"Pick up the rest of it from the warehouse and run it out to them." He said annoyed with the subject. "Take two guys with you, don't care which." He looked up to me. "Just get it done kid."

I wanted to say no, but that just isn't a choice I can make right now.

"You got it." I said standing and walking out of the office.

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