Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Fucking Holloway! I should have known there was no way for me to get him off of Cassie's tracks.

I had done everything I could think of to try to protect her.

As soon as I knew there was any threat to her I got her the hell out of town. I told Troy to spread word that I had gone to some music festival for the weekend in Nashville. That way if anyone tried to find out where Cassie was by knowing where I went, they would have been led the wrong direction. I also knew that Holloway would find out where Cassie had been working and try to find out where she went from her friend at the bar and Carl. When I had picked Cassie up from there I told her I was hitting the bathroom but I had really filled Trix and Carl in on the fact that Cassie was in trouble. I told them if anyone came in wanting to know about Cassie to tell them she had gone home to Oklahoma.

Obviously Holloway had even more connections than I had expected. It hadn't taken him more than a day to get a full copy of Cassie's medical records and address. Finding us was a piece of cake to him. People like Holloway enjoy the chase just as much as the kill itself.

Well Cassie's life is no fucking game, and I am not going to let him get away with this. I don't care what I have to do, or what consequences there will be from Barker or anyone else. Cassie is my one and only priority. I am the one who got her into this and I am damn sure getting her out, whatever the stakes.

I drove into the lot in front of the hotel. My heart was racing and all I wanted to do was get to Cassie as quickly as possible. I've got to be smart about this though. The only angle I have here is that I know how Holloway operates. My disadvantage is that I am not sure why he is going through so much trouble over Cassie anyway. She isn't the one who killed Donovan. She had only been an innocent bystander. If he wants revenge over his nephew's death, which seems dumb anyway since he never even seemed to give a shit about him, then he should be taking this out on Kurl's crew. Why is Cassie important in this equation?

Whatever the answer, I don't have a lot of time. Holloway is not a patient man, and it has already been 20 minutes since he called. I lowered my head to rest on the steering wheel of the truck for a moment. I took a few deep breaths trying to clear my head of all this garbage. I know what I am doing, I have a plan, and I am not exactly inexperienced in this type of situation. Of course with Cassie on the line, the stakes are higher than they have ever been before. I pull my gun from my waistband and tuck it away in the glove box. I remove my knife from its holster on my leg and put it away too. I've got to go in unarmed.

If he has even left a single bruise on her skin it'll be easy to kill him with my bare hands.

I casually leave the truck and walk into the hotel, grabbing an elevator up to the room. Once I am outside I drop to the ground and peek through the space between the door and the floor. I can't see anything, but the light isn't moving so that means they are sitting down somewhere. I stand up and put my ear to the door. I can hear Holloway's voice whispering on and on about something, but I can't tell what he is saying.

I stand up and check my watch. It's time.

I lightly tap the door twice and after only a couple of second Holloway opens the door slowly, pointing his gun at me as I enter. He quickly shuts the door once I am inside and motions silently to the bed. I take note that his gun has a silencer on it, that's a bad sign. I also notice that the sliding glass door to the balcony is still opened. I was counting on that for this plan to work.

I walked over to the bed and waited as he came over and gave me a thorough pat down. "I don't have anything on me." I informed him.

He continued anyway. "Hmm, well it never can hurt to be certain." He replied. "Sit down." He points to the bed.

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