Chapter Eighteen

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I'd had a hard time getting any sleep. I was too consumed with my own thoughts. The way Owen had acted when I asked him if we had slept together hurt in more ways than one. First I was shocked that he could talk about something so important to me the way that he did. Then I was also offended by the way he said it and laughed, like he would never sleep with me. I don't want to sleep with him either but he didn't have to be so rude about not wanting me.

It wasn't like I was planning on waiting until marriage exactly, I just wanted it to be special and on my own terms. I had never let any of the boys I had dated back home pressure me. Trevor was always so understanding with me about it. I honestly thought if I was going to lose it to anyone, that it would him. We had been together for a little over a year and I was totally in love with him. I still am even though he won't talk to me.

That is just one of the mountain of reasons I want to get back home. I needed to see my sister, and Trevor. I'm sure they have their reasons for freezing me out like this, but they must not understand. I need to go there and make them see me. Once I am there, there is no way that they will turn me out.

Just in case it takes a few days, I have to make sure I have enough money. Saving it has been hard. I don't get all that much when I have to split it with Carl. I've been having to use what I had left to get food and basic things I have needed. I looked up flights one night on the club computer. I would need about $300 for that. Then I would need to rent a car for a few days, which was another $150. I'd also need to get a hotel just in case I am not welcomed to stay with them the first couple of nights, so I need at the least $200 there. Then of course there would be my money for food, gas, and whatever else came up.

I still have a way to go.

As if thinking of all of that hadn't been enough to keep me from sleeping, the bed smelled so strongly of Owen.

I was practically smothered in it.

It wasn't like he smelled bad. It actually smelled so very good, but I didn't want to think of Owen. I wanted to focus on my plans, or sleeping. Not thinking about the smell of him surrounding me, or the fact that I was lying in his bed. The exact place where he'd sleep every night. It had been difficult to trick my brain into not noticing the smell.

I had avoided coming out most of the day but now it almost 5pm and I would need to be heading to the club soon.

I opened the door quietly and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I saw that all of my things were set up in the shower and I had a couple of things in here that I didn't know I had. I stepped out of my clothes and hopped in the shower. The water pressure here is amazing.

I took a long shower and then stepped out into the foggy air. I brushed my teeth with the pink toothbrush I found lying on the counter still in its package. I guess Owen had bought it for me. I opened the medicine cabinet and found some nice smelling lotions and perfume. I stayed in the bathroom way longer than I should have. By the time I had finished doing my makeup, and straightening my hair I was going to be late for work. I pulled on the nice fluffy pink robe that was hanging behind the door and slipped over into the other room.

This one was obviously mine.

It looked so cute. I really must have lived here. I saw the photo books on the little table but I knew better than to go look at them right now. The pictures up on the walls were breaking my heart enough as it was. Our family Christmas picture was up on the wall opposite from me. I remember taking that one. We had been cracking up laughing just before the photo was taken because my dad had thought it would be funny to fart. I snorted a laugh just thinking of it.

"Oh, say cheese?" He had chuckled. "I thought you'd said cut the cheese!"

My father was always goofing off. We all look so happy in that picture. I wish so much I could just go back to that moment.

However, I have to get ready for my job at the strip club.

Seeing my parent's smiling faces were not making me feel good about this job. I put on a cute purple dress out of the closet and promised their picture that I would not be doing this long. I will get some papers and look for any acting gigs I can when I get home tonight.

I ran down the stairs and tried to be quick enough to get out the door without running into Owen. It would have been a lot more successful if he hadn't been sitting on the front steps smoking a cigarette. "Sleeping beauty is alive." He said looking me over. His eyes lingered on my dress a little too long.

"Yep," I said. "Alright, bye." I stepped around him.

"Hey wait."

I turned to face him and gave him a questioning look.

"I just wanted to apologize to you Cassie." He sounded very sincere. "I don't know what I was thinking. I am sorry I told you like that, I was an ass. Please just forgive me. I really am sorry, I know that probably hurt you."

The sweet look on his face made it impossible to be angry. "Thanks Owen. We can just forget about it."

He stood up from where he was sitting and moved down to the stair I was on. "About that." He said looking at his shoes. "I was hoping we could just forget everything. Just start over, try to be friends, I don't know."

I smiled at his vulnerability. He actually seemed like normal guy and not some cocky meat head like he acted most of the time. "That sounds really good to me." I said. I meant it too. Living here would be much easier if we could take out all of the awkward tension. I gave him another smile then headed out to the street to try to nab a cab.

"Are you going to work?" He asked me from the stairs. I nodded to him. "Let me give you a ride."

I wasn't sure that was a good idea but he was the one who offered, and friends give friends rides. Also I wouldn't have to waist money on paying a driver, and we'd get there much quicker on his bike than if I rode a cab through all of the traffic.

"Alright, thanks."

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