Chapter Twelve

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It's been two weeks since I woke up and my life was over.

Two weeks of trying to piece it all back together. None of it did any good though since I have no way to piece anything together in the first place.

I have no friends. I have no family. I feel like I have nothing. Owen coming and dumping me after knowing him for three days was just a lovely reminder of what my life is now. I really can't fathom how I could have ever dated a guy like him in the first place. He was obviously a jerk. A giant, mean, arrogant jerk.

I've fallen into a routine here now.

Maybe I will just live in the hospital for the rest of my life. It isn't too bad of a set up. I've got a nice room, don't have to work, no bills, and someone brings me food three times a day. There isn't much more I could ask for. I wake up every morning and make my rounds around the hospital. I'd get stir crazy if I stay in here too long. I say hello to Mr. Mark down the hall, then check in on little Tommy and make sure he and his mother are doing ok. I guess I could call them my friends. Most of the nurses are pretty cool too.

When I finish that I have lunch in my room, usually some type of cold cut sandwich and chips. After lunch is my daily sessions with Dr. Travon. According to him I am adjusting to my new reality so perfectly. He praises me every day like I am his little teacher's pet.

After that is more walking around to talk to other patients or staff. Pretty much anything to keep my mind busy. I've already read all of my magazines at least ten times a piece but sometimes I do it again, just to say I am doing something.

Eventually dinner time will come, then I can get into bed and watch late night TV shows until I fall asleep.

It looks like my little existence is about to change again though.

"Did you hear me Cassie?" Dr. Travon asked me.

I was sitting in the little recliner in his office while he sat in an adjacent chair. "You're going to be released tomorrow." He repeated.

"Wow." Was all I could say.

"How does that make you feel?" He asked watching me and pursing his lips.

"Nervous." I answered honestly.

"Now there are a few things we need to get in order first." He told me. "Where will you stay until you get your feet back under you?" he asked.

"I guess I will go home." I told him.

"Cassie, I don't think you can afford to go home." He said gently. "At least not right away. Remember we looked into your bank accounts together?"

I guess he was right. I didn't have enough money for a plane or to rent a car. Not to mention I don't even know if I'd be able to come home. Margo has still refused to speak to me even though I have called every single day. "What about my place here?"

He shook his head. "Cassie, I called at checked with your listed address and the landlord says you were evicted a while before you had your accident."

"So I am homeless?" I asked in disbelief. No way was I homeless. I must have had a place and I just hadn't switched the address over on my ID yet.

"I know this sounds rough now, but soon you will be on your own again and you can do things right this time. You have been given a second chance Cassie." He said all inspirational. "The girl you don't remember made some pretty rotten life choices. You've got a chance now to start over with a clean slate."

"Yeah," I agreed. I had already been thinking that for a while. "But where will I go?" It boggled my mind to think about leaving the safe confines of this hospital. "I haven't had a single person come to check in on me since I came here." I reminded him.

"One has." He countered.

He's got to be pulling my leg. "He dumped me if you'll remember that little detail."

"Cassie, you don't have a whole lot of options right now." He said. "Just reach out to him."

I left our meeting feeling way more overwhelmed than when I'd walked in. I thought these meetings were supposed to make sure I was sane, not drive me insane.

I sat down on my bed and stared at the phone on the table, the phone number right next to it.

I picked it up and tried my house phone again. I prayed for Margo to answer, but I had no such luck.

I hung up then dialed Trevor's number again.

To my surprise his voice rang through the line. "Hello?"

My heart beat jerked up and I stood up in shock. "Trevor?" I asked excitedly. "Trevor, is that you?"

"This is he," he replied politely. "May I ask who is calling?"

I was grinning from ear to ear. "Cassie. It's Cassie, Trevor."

"Cassie?" he sounded a little taken back.

"Trevor," I sighed. "You have no clue what I have been through lately. Oh my God, it is just so good to hear your voice again! I have missed you so much!" I almost shouted.

"Missed me?" he repeated.

"Yes. Like you wouldn't believe. It has been so crazy here. Do you know that I am in New York? Can you believe it?"

"Yeah Cass, I'm the one who drove you to the airport."

Oh, that's right. We aren't together anymore. "Why did we break up?"

"Because you were moving away." He responded. "You said it'd be too hard to handle a long distance relationship and your career."

"Career?" I asked intrigued.

"Yeah," he told me. "You got some big part in a show and took off for New York."

"When you say show??" I was bursting to hear his reply.

"A big Broadway thing Cass." He told me.

I was in total shock. I had been on Broadway? I had always hoped and prayed that one day I would do that. My heart broke a little when I thought of the fact that I have no memory of it. Trevor's voice broke my train of thought.

"Cass? Why are you calling?"

"Oh Trevor, it's been a nightmare!" I said dramatically. "I was mugged and beaten and now I have been in the hospital for months and I can't remember anything from the last four years and they say I have been on drugs and drinking and homeless. You wouldn't believe the things I have been through Trevor. Honestly, it's insane. Can you please come get me? Or wire me some money so that I can fly home?"

"Look Cassie. I know what you're trying to do. I'm not falling for these stunts anymore. I won't give you money just so you can continue to slowly kill yourself. I want no part in that. You need to get yourself some help Cass." He paused. "Please quit with calling me all the time. We are all just tired of your lies and tricks. It isn't fair to us." After that the line went dead.

What on earth was he talking about? Was it possible that the other Cassie had used my family and friends to get money? Did she use that money to buy drugs? No wonder Margo isn't talking to me.

I hung up the receiver and then picked it back up.

I only had one option of who to call now.

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