Drugs and Other Things

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Tattoos On The Gold Coast

Chapter 3

Drugs And Other Things

"See you later! Same time tomorrow?"Jori's friend Tyler asked as he walked her to her bike.

"Nah I can't. I have to go shopping with Tonya and Jessica tomorrow. Then a party the day after that. Maybe next week sometime. I'll call you." Jori said hopping on her Harley.

"Oh well that sucks. Maybe next time then. Oh and it's just gonna be me and you next time." He winked. Jori examined him. He wore a leather jacket, with a graphic white tee under. Loose washed out jeans and some converse. He had dark brown eyes, a little stubble -him being a few years older- He had his bottom lip pierced. A hoop. He had dark hair, swooping over his eyes slightly. He would ever so often flick it out of his sight.

Jori had to admit, he was attractive. Very attractive.

"Sure what ever you say." Jori agreed before driving off into the distance.

Jori drove down the coast. She could hear thunder, knowing a storm was coming. She stopped at a red light.

Soon she heard piddle paddling.

"Fucking great!" She cursed as she continued to drive home.

Her vision was getting blurry because of the rain, and that she was a little intoxicated. She had one beer, and smoked a couple of times.

Jori isn't the druggie who does cocaine or meth. She really only does Marijuana and the pipe. She isn't an alcoholic either. She only drinks when offered. So when she goes to parties, or when she's with her drug friends.

As she drove down the road, she didn't see the turtle crossing before she slid out of control, crashing into a few rocks. She was thrown off her bike and into some bushes. Her forearm and wrist killed with pain. She knew for sure that it was broken. She hadn't hit her head too hard, thank fully.

She got up, walking over to her bike. It was trashed. She groaned.

"FUCK!" She yelled. Her mom is gonna kill her. They both paid so much for that, and now it's trashed. The repairs are gonna costs a fortune.

Jori loved that bike. And she sure as hell was not giving it up. She walked over to it, picking it up the best she could with her broken wrist. But she failed miserably, and dropped it.

"Hey! Are you okay!?" A stranger offered. Jori looked up to see a mid aged woman. She looked to be 32-35. It was dark, so she couldn't really see any other features. Her voice was soft and kind.

"Um, not really. I crashed my bike." Jori told her.

"Oh that's too bad! Did you get hurt at all?" Jori just nodded. "Here let me take a look at it. I'm a doctor." Jori looked at her skeptically. "Here." The lady showed Jori her I.D card. She was indeed a doctor.

Jori showed her her arm. She winced in pain when the woman squeezed it and tried to put it in its proper place.

"Oh sorry sweetie! It's defiantly broken, you might even need surgery. I'll take you to the hospital."

"My bike."

"I'll call someone to come pick it up and bring it to you." Jori debated for a while, before accepting the woman's offer.

Soon they were at the hospital and Jori was being rushed into surgery.

"We tried calling your mom, but there was no answer." A police man spoke to Jori.

"She's on a business trip. You won't be able to reach her for 5 days." Jori said before the man was out of sight.

"Okay Jori sweetie. I'm doctor Cameron. I'm also a surgeon. This procedure will take about 2-3 hours. Is there anyone we can call?" Jori shook her head no. "A brother? Sister?"

"No." Dr. Cameron sighed before putting a gas mask against Jori's face.

"Okay sweetie, just relax and breathe. This will put you to sleep. You will most likely wake up tomorrow, unless your a night owl. See you tomorrow sweetie." Was the last words Jori heard before she was asleep.


"Jori sweetie, wake up." Her eyes fluttered open to see doctor Cameron and a police man. "Here's your breakfast. The police man has to talk to you." She nodded taking the tray from her. 'if you need anything, i'm just a button away." She nodded again before the doctor was gone.

'Ms. White. I'm afraid you're under arrest for impaired driving." Jori choked on her juice. "it's nothing permanant, but until someone comes and bails you out, i have to take you to our small station."

"Fine." She agreed before finishing off her breakfast. She got dressed in her clothes before she followed the cop towards his car.

"Mr. Officer. May I talk to Jori please?" Doctor Cameron asked. The officer nodded. "Hey sweetie. I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't budge. I'm sorry." She apologized.

"It's okay. You've done enough for me. Thank you." She said before walking back to the cop.

"Officer, she's not as bad as she looks!" Cameron shouted. Jori just rolled her eyes. But she can be worst.

*At The Station.*

"Here's your cell. That's Dylan. She's trouble. So be careful" The officer warned Jori.

"I'm not as bad as they say i am." Dylan told Jori. She just nodded sitting on the floor against the wall. "What are you in here for?"

"Drunk driving. I only had one beer though!"

"That's it?! I'm here until my trial, and if that goes wrong. I'll be sent for attempt at murder." Jori looked at her shocked before moving a little farther away.


"Hey Jake, have you seen Jori lately?" Cody asked.

"No. She's probably just with some friends."

"What friends?"

"Her drug doing, alcohol drinking friends." Cody just nodded. "I'll be back." Jake stated getting up and walking out of the room.

Cody pulled out his phone, opening twitter. He replied, Retweeted and followed some people before Jake's phone started ringing.

"Jake! Your phone!" Cody called. He wasn't just gonna answer it. Sure, there best friends, but it could be something personal that Jake doesn't want Cody to know.

"Can you get it mate?" Cody picked up his phone sliding his finger across the screen.


"Who is this? Where's Jake?" The voice was familiar.

"This is Cody. And Jake can't come to the phone right now."

"Just put Jake on the phone! I don't care what he's doing! Just do it!" Cody realized why the voice was familiar. It was Jori.

"Okay! Take a chill pill Jori!"

"Pretty boy. Put Jake on the phone before something bad happens to you. And I don't break promises." She sounded serious.

"Jake! Jori's on the phone!"

"Coming!" Jake took the phone speaking, "Hey what's up Jori?"

"Jake I need your help. I crashed my bike, and i ended up in jail. Can you come bail me out?"


"Just please? I really need to get out of here. Please?" She practically begged.

"Okay! I'll be there soon." Jake said before he hung up slipping on a pair of Vans.

"Come on. We have to go get Jori. Something's wrong."

"Where is she?"



"She's been there before. I bailed her out then too. Nothing new."

"She really is trouble isn't she?" Cody asked Jake.

"She can be. When she wants to be."

Soon the boys arrived, Jake rushed into the station, seeing Jori on the floor in her cell.

"May I help you?" The officer asked.

"Yeah. I'm here to get Jori White." Jori's head snapped up at the voice. She stood up from the ground going to the bars.

"Do you have the money?" The officer asked. Jake nodded, handing him the envelope. "Okay. Ms White, your free to go." He let her out. Once they were out of the station Jake stopped.


"I know. I know."

"No you don't. Don't you understand that if this happens again, you'll get sent to juvi? Or if you're 18, you will be put in prison. You know I can't let that happen."

"I know. I'm sorry Jake." He just sighed before opening his arms. She wrapped her arms around his torso.

Cody was jealous. He wondered how Jake managed to get so close to Jori. She was such a closed person.

"You guys go sit in the car. I'm gonna have a smoke. Oh and Jake, I have to talk to you later. In private." Jake nodded as him and Cody walked back to the car.

"Hey Jake?"

"Yeah? What's up mate?"

"How are you so close to Jori? I thought she wasn't an open person."

"She's not. Just it's not my place to tell you. You're gonna have to wait till she tells you. If she ever does."

"Oh okay. Do you think she'll tell me soon."

"Probably not. She hasn't opened up to you yet. Besides, she's has you wrapped around her little finger."

"She does not!"

"Oh Codes! She does!" Cody just snorted. He refused to believe that he was already falling for her. True say he was falling, but not that hard.

@CodySimpson: I have a goal to complete this summer.

Hello lovelys! How'd you like? Sorry I don't update often. I just have so much other stuff, I don't get much free time. Anyways hope you liked the chapter!

Shout out to my best friend Jessica!


Twitter: @JorJor56
@ItzJessicaLeigh (follow her! She gave me inspiration!)

Stay Classy! <3 ~Jori

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