New Tattoos And The Asking

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Tattoos On The GoldCoast

Chapter 6

New Tattoos and The Asking


Jori awoke, looking over at the time. 10:30. Pretty early for her. Her mind automatically knowing that she has one hell of a mess to clean up. She looked around her room, laughing a little seeing her friends sprawled around the room.

Josh and Jessica lied on a spare mattress they had cuddled close together, looking truly happy. Jake sat against the wall, with Tonya lying down on his chest. She remembered that they got together last night also. And finally Cody was sprawled out on the floor, his head only lying on the pillow that he borrowed.

Jori sat up rubbing the back of her neck. She winced remembering that she had got a new tattoo the night before. She stood up walking over to her mirror.

She turned slightly looking at her new tat.

'Pretty Brown Eyes.'

She then remembered that Cody dared her to get it. She shook her head. She would have to come up with some stupid lie to tell her smoking friends why she got it.

She looked up at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were red from lack of sleep, her hair was in a messy braid. She looked at her eyes. They were a light brown colour. Golden in the sun.

She hated them.

Everyone always said they reminded them of her brother. And she hated that whenever they mentioned him, they got this sorrow looking face, which she hated. So she learned to just hide her eyes under her glasses.

She sighed walking into her bathroom, closing the door slightly. She pulled off her shirt, and grabbing the healing cream. She looked to her right side of her body, seeing a tattoo she got about a week ago. Her body always took a little longer to heal then usual. She traced over the numbers softly, applying the cream.


The day, month and year her brother died. Hard to believe that it has almost been four years since he died.

She tried reaching for the tattoo on her neck, failing. As if on cue the door opened revealing Cody.

He gasped leaving and pulling the door closed. Jori chuckled. He's so innocent, yet he's not.

She slipped on her tank top before walking out of the bathroom.

"I'm so sorry about that Jor! I thought you were still in bed since your blanket is all like yeah... that." He said pointing to her bed.

"It's alright. You liked what you saw huh?"

"U-uh-" He stuttered. Jori laughed walking towards him.

"Can you put this on my new tattoo you made me get? Can't reach it."

"I what!?"

"You don't remember? You dared me to get 'pretty brown eyes' tatted."

Suddenly all the memories from the night before came rushing back. The drinks, the dancing, the games, the dares and most important one. Jori called him mine. As if he was hers. A small smile found itself on his face, as he realized he was succeeding.

He looked up, to see Jori's eyes. They were truly beautiful. And he didn't mind the wait to see them, because it was worth it.

"Stop staring and just put it on for fucks sake!" She said tossing the bottle to him and Turning, lifting her hair out of the way.

Cody squeezed some cream on his fingers, gently tracing the lines of the words.

It was in simple writing. Just print. Not cursive or anything fancy. Simply normal.

Suddenly a rush of guilt hit Cody, him realizing he caused her pain in some sort of way. He didn't want to cause her any pain, emotional or physical.

When he was done, he pulled away letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Jori took the cream and putting it back in its original spot.

"Your welcome."

"Oh yeah. Thanks!"


Cody stormed into Josh's room, where him and Jessica were cuddling.

"Thanks for knocking Cody. What if we were doing something huh?"

"Ew Josh!" He laughed kissing her temple lightly.

"You wouldn't have left the door partly opened then." Cody retorted. Josh shrugged his shoulders.

"So what's up Codes? Why did you storm in here?" Jess asked.

"Well, I need advice. And some background."


"Jori." Jessica sighed.

"Okay listen. I understand that you like Jori and all, but you have to understand she doesn't come easy, and she has good reasons for this. I'm not gonna mention this because it's not my place to tell, but what do you need?"

"Well, how should I ask her out?"

"Um. Just ask her." Josh said.

"Josh! You don't understand! This is Jori we're dealing with and I'm pretty god damn sure if I just ask her, she'll say no. I already tried remember?"

"Actually no. I'm pretty sure you jumped into a pool, then asked her. Why don't you just ask her. That's what previous boyfriends she has had did."

"What were her other boyfriends like?" Jessica scoffed.

"They were all bull shitters and dicks. I hated them. I guess they were to just go with her reputation."

"So she only goes for bad boys?"

"I guess you could say that. She doesn't go for guys like you and me." Josh replied.

Jessica sighed, remembering Jori's previous relationships. Josh pulled her close, feeling her tense under his grip.

Cody wondered what was so bad that made Jessica act like that.

"But listen Cody, don't change yourself. What if she actually wants to not date a 'bad boy.' You'd be the perfect one for her. Honestly."

"Okay. Thanks guys." He said getting up from his seat and beginning to walk out.

"Oh and Cody, i really hope she doesn't break your heart, she's like that."

Cody just nodded, before hearing a explosion of giggles from Jessica.


Cody walked into his house, going to the kitchen, where his parents waited.

"Hey mum, dad. What's up?"

"We need to talk."

"Go on." He replied pulling out a water from the fridge.

"It's about your new friend, Jori. We don't think she's a good influence on you."

"What do you mean!? I'm 17! Does it really matter who I'm influenced by?"

"Yeah it does! Think about what it could do to your career Cody! If you start to act like her, your whole career could come crashing down." His mom said in a calm voice.

"I'm not gonna change okay? I'm actually trying to change her a little bit. And she's not as bad as you think she is. Remember the barbecue?"

"Yeah, that could all be an act! She smokes!(and not just cigarettes!) drinks and has all these tattoos. I really don't think it's a good idea to hang around her Codes."

"Does it really matter? Look at Jake! He's her best friend and look! He's the exact same!"

"Yes it really does Cody! We don't want you seeing her anymore."

"Ha! You can't stop me! I'm actually going on a date with her tonight. I'll see you guys later." He said storming out of the house with a slam of the door.

They watched as there first baby left, a new, more grown up, teenager.


Cody walked right up to Jori's house knocking on the door.

Jori answered, a little surprised.

"You home alone?"


"Good." He slammed his lips against hers, enjoying the strawberry and bitter smokey taste. He backed up so she was pushed against the wall, his hands on her waist.

He pulled away, breathlessly speaking,

"You know I like you. So at least go on one date with me?"

Jori bit her bottom lip slightly.

She liked this pop star, and she hated herself for it.


{ ~ }

Okay! How'd you guys like it? Imma try to update every weekend, but don't take my word on it.

Shout outs to @zeynepkay and @theepicjess because they gave me some ideas for this chapter! Thanks!

I hope you lovely people liked this chapter!


Twitter: @JorJor56
Fan account: @ThatBeachKid56

Stay Classy! <3 ~Jori

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