Hardships and Good Byes

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Tattoos On the Gold Coast

Chapter 12

Hardships and Good Byes


"Please Jess!"

"No I can't. I'm sorry Josh!"

"Please babe!"

"Don't call me babe! I'm not your babe!"

"Jessica, just hear me out. Please?"

Jori, Cody, Jake and Tonya sat in the other room, hearing Jessica and Josh's yells.

Josh was trying to get Jessica to try and take him back.

"No Josh. I've heard and seen enough."

"I was drunk and high for crying out loud! Please Jess! I can't bare to lose you!"

"It's not just that Josh!"

"Then what is it?!" Jessica remained silent.

"Do you think there done?" Tonya asked.

"I don't think so."

"Josh stop! You can't just kiss me and expect everything to be okay!"

"Then what is it Jessica!? Why won't you take me back?!" Josh was beginning to get frustrated.

"I just can't okay! Not with how I reacted when I saw you kissing that girl. I don't think I'm ready for a relationship. I'm sorry." She said sadly.

"But I helped you with it before. I can help you again." Jessica shook her head no.

"No you can't. Knowing you were the one who caused me to do it. I can't right now Josh. I'm sorry, but please leave."

Both Josh and Jessica's eyes were whelming up with tears.

"Okay. You know where to find me if you need anything." He said before leaving and closing the door behind him.

"I think you guys should leave." Tonya said turning towards Jake and Cody. They both nodded, before opening the door and walking out of the room, then out of the house. Jori and Tonya walked out into the living room, looking for Jessica wasn't there. 

They looked in the kitchen, then Jessica's room. When they turned around they saw Jess come out of the bathroom.

"Sorry you guys heard all that." She apologized wiping her eyes and sniffiling.

"It's alright. Don't apologize." Tonya replied softly wrapping her arm around Jessica's shoulder. 

 They both looked up to see Jori gone.

"Where'd she go?"

Jori walked out into the backyard of Jessica's house, pulling out a smoke. She has to do it, and she has to do it soon. She doesn't want to do it, but she has to. She couldn't handle a relationship like that.

She sat down on the porch swing, puffing her cigerette. She couldn't do it today. tomorrow was christmas eve, and then Christmas after that. She would have to do it the day after. The day he left.

She doesn't know if she can say goodbye to him. She just can't. She's gonna have to find away.

"Hey Jor! Why'd you leave?" Jessica yelled as her and Tonya walked towards the porch swing. They sat on either sides of Jori, looking at her expectantly.

"I have to do it."

"Do what?" 

"Break up with Cody."

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