Alcohol And Party Games

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Tattoos On The Gold Coast

Chapter 5

Alcohol And Party Games


Jake walked into Cody's room, a huge smile on his face.

"Yo Cody!! Jori's having a huge party tonight! You coming?" He asked excitedly. "Her parties are always the best!"

"Yeah sure. I was gonna stay in, but I could go for a little fun. But I'm not drinking!" He warned. Knowing that Jori would obviously have alcohol and probably other substances at her party.

"That's what everyone says. No one ever goes to her parties and doesn't get one drink in them. She has this effect on people, and you have it worst then anyone else."

"I do not! I will not be drinking. Just you watch Thrupp!"

"Whatever you say. We'll be here by 7, so be ready."

"Who's we?"

"My cousin." Jake said before walking out of Cody's room and out of the house. Cody looked at the time, 4:45! What was he supposed to where!?

"I gotta impress her tonight." He whispered to himself. "Alli! Get in here!" He called. He waited a few before Alli appeared in his doorway.

"What's up Codes? I'm supposed to be getting ready!"

"What should I wear? Jori's having a party and I need to impress her."

"Jori? You really like her? I know I haven't exactly spent much time with her, but, she doesn't seem like you type bro."

"Yeah I know, but she's like this mysterious bad girl, that I just want to find out about her. So help me, please?"



Jori walked over to the DJ, knowing him well.

"So, how do I look?" She said spinning around in a circle. He was one of the first people who talked to Jori when she moved down under, so she doesn't have to be her bad girl self in front of him.

"Stunning as always. If I wasn't gay, you probably would be mine." He chuckled hugging her.

"Thanks Connor. And I could always turn you straight if I really wanted to. And you know I'm capable of doing that!" She winked. He just rolled his eyes, finishing setting up.

"What's do you want me to play?"

"Anythings fine. Nothing too popish though. You know what I like. Well, I gotta go pick up Jess and Tonya, there staying here tonight, so I have to go pick them up. I'll be back in like half an hour. If you're hungry, you know where everything is." Connor nodded testing out his discs.

Jori grabbed her smokes, jacket and shades before walking out of her house. Since her bike, still hasn't been repaired she borrowed Connor's car.


Soon the party was getting started and Jori was watching as everyone began to take drinks, getting the party started. She was waiting on Jake and Cody, she had prepared Jake's favourite drink, and one special one for Cody.

She has thought about what it would be like to not date a 'bad boy' but she's afraid that if she lets her guard or reputation down, something will happen, like it did 2 years ago. She shook those thoughts off, when she heard the doorbell ring. She answered it to see Cody and Jake. Jake wore his usual style, dark jeans, a snap back and a green v-neck t-shirt.

Cody on the other hand, looked a little different. He wore a white tank top, dark grey fitted jeans, and the leather jacket he had recently bought. Jori thought he looked pretty good.

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