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A/N: The people in this Epilogue that haven't been in the story yet are my friends Selena and Joana. Shawn Mendes, Jack Dail and Cameron Boyce. Enjoy!

Tattoos On The Gold Coast



As the song finished off, Jori raced to her bag, grabbing a water bottle and gulping it down. She sat on the floor, drinking her water now slowly. When Selena and Joana came and sat beside her.

"You know, I wish we would of found you sooner. These past six months with you have been so awesome for our crew. Yeah we were good before, but adding you made us so much better." Joana admitted.

"Glad to hear you guys think that." Jori replied.

"So, you never actually told us why you were upset the day we met." Selena brought up.

Jori winced. She hasn't thought of him in the longest time. She wonders what he's doing right now. How his music career is. She does miss him though. Always has.

"I just broke up with my boyfriend at the time." Jori confessed.

"Oh. What was his name? How long were you guys dating?"

"Cody. And not long, because it took him a while to actually win me over. A few weeks or so. Things were complicated at the beginning but then he finally got the courage to ask me. And yeah."

"You cried over a little relationship that lasted a few weeks!?" Jack said sitting beside the girls, along with Shawn and Cameron joining also. "I thought you were tougher then that!"

"Hey! You don't understand. Me and Cody had like, i don't know. Our relationship was different okay?" Jori sneered. Jack raised his hands in defence.

"Wait... I knew you looked familiar when we first met!" Joana stated. "You were that girl that Cody Simpson tweeted about. So that means... YOU DATED THE CODY SIMPSON!?!? WOAH MIND BLOWN RIGHT THERE!!"

"If you haven't noticed, Joana is a big fan of him." Shawn told Jori.

"Yeah i figured." They all laughed.

"So like when you talk about Jake and Josh, do you mean Jake Thrupp and Josh Winnington?" Jori nodded. "And you haven't introduced me to them yet?!" She said trying to sound offended.

"Well, i'm always with you losers, so i haven't had much time to spend with them recently."

"We're not losers!" Cameron butted in. Jori just nodded sarcastically agreeing with him.

"My friend Connor actually has a gig tonight. He invited us all, and Jake and Josh will be there. Do you guys wanna come? I have to go, but you don't have to."

"Are you kidding?! Of course we wanna go! I haven't been to a party in ages! Is Connor the DJ?"


"Yeah, we're going to that party." Shawn stated getting up, offering Jori a hand to get up. "I'm going for a smoke, you joining me?"

"Yeah sure!" She accepted his offer before they walked outside, and sat on the curb.

"Hey Jori?"


"Can i ask you something?"

"Go ahead." She said puffing her cigerette.

"Will yo-"



"Cody? What are you doing here?" Jessica stated once she saw who was at her front door.

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