Chapter 15

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            On TV, they make everything look simple, they just press the trigger and that's it. But the thing is, they never show that shooting eventually hurting the shooter. That's why I am now being seen by a grumpy doctor.

While he pulled me, massaged me and poked me I couldn't help but to think about the events that occurred last night. Or this morning... It's this morning, the early bright Sunday sun rays already started to invade the office.

I wonder how the reunion went down yesterday. Funny how everything I've worked for this was for the one day of the year where I actually care about what people say and think about me but now it's just stupid. I feel stupid.

"Here's a sling for your arm, you're going to wear it for the few next days. Your shoulder isn't badly injured but avoid doing heavy stuff." The doctor gives me the release papers to sign. "The police wants to talk to you. They're waiting for you in the waiting room."

I walk out of the office freaking out on the inside. The last thing I would want to happen was me being charged with something.

Following the long hallways, I spot a group of people, among them I see Justine sitting on a plastic green chair and my parents.

My mom was okay, she had dad's arm around her shoulders in a protective way as they were engaged in a conversation with a tall brunette man with green eyes. As soon as he saw me, he excuses himself from them to comes to me.

"Onika Maraj?" I nod. He holds his heads out for me. "I'm delegate Derek Johnson and I need to hear your testimony, I already spoke with your mother, cousin and friend. Would you like to sit, you look a little pale." I nod again after I shook his hand.

In silence, we walk to a group of chairs away from my family. I sit beside this Derek guy waiting for the questions that were ready to point me guilty.

"First of all, Onika, I'd like to thank you for doing I what I've been wanting to do for years. I know it's not right, especially coming from a man of law, but that bastard sometimes asks for it." That catches my attention. "I'll just cut to the chase, Illegal possession of a weapon, attempted murder, not good. But you did what you did for self defence. Everything else is going archived. For now just be prepared to be charged, Ms. Maraj." There's an awkward silence between us which makes him look away from me. "It's your turn to talk."

I gulp.

"Well... I-uh went down there... Nicole helped, so did Justine... My mom was there and I just wanted to get her and leave. I didn't expect any of happened, I don't know why I did that. I really don't."

"You acted on impulse. That was only it."

"But I'm not like that. I don't just do things. They were gonna hurt my mother, I had to do something."

"Don't be stressing over this. Everything's going to be fine."

"I shot a person. How can I live with that? He's in the surgery room, might not even survive and I'm suppose to pretend like nothing happened?"

Derek laughs at what I said. Is this a joke or...

"Oh please, if I know the guy inside that surgery room he's gonna survive. Again, you acted hothead. If that doesn't cheer you up, think that it could've been worse."

"Could have been worse? I shot Aubrey for fuck's sake! My boyfriend who was almost knocked out from all the beating."

"So what, you shot a dead horse. But he's also one of the bad guys... Take my advice and move on with your life." He gets up ready to leave. "And take care, because the Drake I know might want to payback, and from what I heard from your co-worker Micheal said you're one to get even."

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