Chapter 26

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Our ride lasted for about forty minutes, not that I was counting though.

Being blindfolded let me fell the wind all over my body and let me have a taste of Aubrey's scent. It felt amazing. I was filled with the magical sensation of flying. I had to control myself to open my arms like a bird set free.

As I notice that bike has come to a stop, part of me was sad. But then I remembered that as this was part of a surprise.

A few seconds and his body heat was no longer near me and so was my blindfold. When my eyes adjusted to the sunlight I see I look around me.

Nowhere. We were in the middle of nowhere.

Just to make sure I hop off the bike and do a 360 turn, but the truth is there was only forest around us.

Before I let my imagination take the best of me I turn to him to get some answers. Only then I noticed the big shed behind him. We were in what looks like a parking lot.

"What are we doing here, Aubrey?" A bad thought crosses my mind. "Wait, I know. You want your revenge. I bet your gang's inside waiting to do something horrible to me. I told you I didn't mean to shoot you!" I was so ready to cry for my life.

Oh gosh, I'm gonna die and I didn't even say bye to my mom!

"No one's gonna die here. Relax Nic." I think I might thought out loud.

"No? Then what are we doing here?"

"Let me get something straight first. I am not a bad guy. I may not be the most innocent person but I am not going to hurt you." He lifts my chin so that our eyes could meet. "What had happened that night wasn't planned, I w-"

"I see you haven't forgotten about me!"

From that shed, comes out a cute Asian woman with the brightest smile. She was talking to Aubrey 'cause he quickly turned around in surprise.

"Mitchie!" They meet each other half way for a warm hug. Now I see she's short, same height as me, I could say.

"It's Michelle now... Aubrey! I missed you so much! How long has it been?" Oh, so they know each other for long, huh?

"I don't know, three, four years?" He had his arm around her shoulders, never looking up away from her.

The image of the little 'couple' brought me back into reality. I was so surprised to see him hitting on this so called Michelle.

I start fake coughing so the lovebirds could notice my presence.

"Sorry, I swallowed a fly."

My improvised excuse brought suspect to china doll's face. Even I wouldn't believe it.

"Michelle, I want you to meet my-"

"Your girlfriend!" She starts jumping up and while clapping her hands in amusement.

This is some parallel universe where Aubrey's the one with a fake girlfriend? I look at his face and get the same reaction that I had, confused.

"Hi, I'm Nicki." The girl comes for two kind kisses on the cheek and I have no choice but to return the favour. "It's so nice to meet you. But Aubrey here made me a surprise so I have no idea where we are."

Never in my life I've been this fake.

"Hmm, Aubrey! You're too cute, you know that? You're already on surprise levels." She squeezes he's cheeks. "Hi, my Michelle and this is my rink."

Rink? He brings me to a rink and still says he's not foi v to hurt me?

"Come on, let's go inside." She takes my hand and practically drags me inside, only giving me time to look back and his goofy self laughing at me.

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