Chapter 20

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I stood on Tyga's front porch honestly feeling a little nervous. I could already tell Wayne hasn't arrived yet by the absence of his car on the driveway. Good thing Chyna will be here to keep me company as we wait for him to come.

The thirty seconds after I had rang the bell were over when he answers the door.

Tyga was kind of dripping wet (probably just got out of the shower), had on some grey sweatpants, his shirt was on his hand and he was hatless. Something we don't see everyday.

"Hey Ty." I greet him.

"Hi Nic, come on in." He steps to the side making space for me to walk in. "Make yourself at home."

I slowly walk in the open space room and find myself comfortable on the three-place couch. Shortly after Tyga comes with his short now on.

"Give me a second, I'm just going to get the lasagna out of the oven."

"You made lasagna?" I raise an eyebrow curious. I get up and follow him into the kitchen area.

"Yeah, I started making as soon as I got home but Chyna just called a few minutes ago and said she was spending the night at a friend's house." He opens the oven and the delicious smell of freshly made lasagna hit my nose.

"Chyna isn't here? I was hoping to see here her and King."

"Better luck next time for the both of us."

My phone starts ringing. I excuse myself from the kitchen and go over to the sofa I previously was and retrieve my phone out of my purse. Wayne was the one calling.


"Hey Nic..." He hesitately greets me back. "Listen, I won't be able to make it."

"What?" I whisper-yell. "Why?"

"Long short story. My car won't start."

I shake my head. I wasn't about to argue, this wasn't the first he tells this kind of story.

"Don't be like that. Shit happens." He says referring to my prolonged silence.

"I know, I know... We'll send you a demo later. "

"Thanks. Tell Ty I'm sorry I couldn't be there."

"I will. Bye."

"Bye." I hang up and phone and return to kitchen.

"Have you eaten yet?" Tyga asks.

"Not really." I shrug. "I just had a few snacks throughout the day."

"Good, you'll be my company for tonight then."

"Sure, why not." I smile.

He searches for dishware and finds them in an upper cupboard just above the sink and takes three plates.

"Should we wait for Wayne though?"

"No, he actually just called and said he can't make it."

"K." He returns a plate to its place.

I laugh at him, can only imagine how it is for one to make plans then people just bail on them.

He gets the cutlery, wineglasses and some cute placemats since we decided to eat on the counter that separates the living room from the kitchen.

"You can make yourself a plate, I'm just going to open the wine bottle."

"Wine? Never knew you as wine person." I say cutting a slice of the lasagna.

"I have my moments..." He picks a white one from his mini bar. "A 2011 Portada, Portuguese wine."

"Oooh... Never had Portuguese wine before . I heard it's really good."

"And it is." He finishes opening the bottle and put the cork stopper in a drawer. Grabbing the two wineglasses, he serves on each one and places one in front of me before he takes a seat.

"I hope you enjoy your meal."

"Thank you, same to you."

As soon as I take my first bite, I went straight to the sky and back. I think in the end Tyga must have thought I was starving or something 'cause I just had to have a second round off the lasagna, and half of the wine bottle.

"Ty, this was amazing!" I complement him on them coking.

"Thank you."

I help him clear the counter and put the dishes away, even offered to wash them but he said it was okay, we should get to work. I agree so we went upstairs where his studio was.

The song was called Senile. I thought the beat was pretty dope, I wrote my verse for it in less than an hour, but we didn't want to record it today. Wayne wasn't here and the fact that we were enjoying our conversation with a few drinks in between... The most we did was sending him the demo like promised.

At some point Tyga received a call from Chy and he decided to answer it on his feet, which made me realise how tipsy I was. But one more sip wouldn't hurt, would it?

Taking the glass to my lips, my hand betrays me and I end up spilling the peach-flavoured cider on my stripped shirt.

"Shit." I hope it doesn't leave a mark.

I look up to a giggling Tyga. He covers the phones speak and told me I could the bathroom. I mouth him a 'thank you' and excuse myself from the room, only to realise I didn't know where the bathroom is.

I walk through the hallway and see some beautiful pictures of the little family, almost making me stop to admire them, but dome other time. The first door I find was a regular restroom, but the heavy alcohol smell was talking me to move on.

The second one hid a dark place, so I turn on the lights and relieved what it seemed to be a guest room as the room itself presented no personalised decoration and the furniture was impeccably positioned and neat.

The door to the bathroom was more to the left and I immediately walk into it where I was greeted by the mirror. The stain on my shirt was no joke.

Unthinkably, I remove it. The liquid had reached my bra and the upper part of my stomach and it was starting to itch a bit.

I hope Ty doesn't mind me using the shower, 'cause this is an emergency.

I take off the rest of clothing and put my hair in a bun then step inside the the shower. The first drops of hot water make me a bit sleepy which I prefer to blame that delicious lasagna and not the drinks I had.

I try my best not to take too long, but apparently I was in slow motion, but after being caresses by soft towel, everything was cool. Dressing up my dry clothes, I realised I had nothing to wear from my waist up.

Don't panic, don't panic. Maybe there's something to wear in the wardrobe. I follow my instincts hopelessly, but indeed, there were some clothes in it. Ty's t-shirts. Again, I hope he doesn't mind it.

In a matter of seconds, I had finished dressing the random one I picked as I hear the doorbell ring, then moments later male voices filled the house. Suddenly I was up for a laugh, stimulated by my bad side. I bet Ty's face would be priceless.

I walk out of the room like a femme fatale after finishing up with her prey. "You didn't forget about me bae, did you?" I say in my sexy voice before reaching the bottom of the stairs. "I'm getting lonely up there."

But as soon as I enter in the living room, the surprise was on me, 'cause I wasn't expecting the guest to be my ex boyfriend.

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