Chapter 28

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He says he hasn't sung anything since his college. I was very curious to hear his singing voice.

By their talk, the guys went to journalism school together. "It's gonna be just like old times." Roger says taking in my hand for a kiss like a Middle Age Knight.

"Alright, just get your paws off of her." Aubrey says getting up fro his seat.

The guys are now up on stage, chit-chatting about their performance, I presume, and start making sound checks with their microfones and testing and regulating the instruments that for a second sounded like they could breaks the glasses in the table.

Aubrey looks so happy, or was it the alcohol he had previously consumed that was taking over him?

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to open mic night." The public applauded the introduction. "It's always a pleasure to hear you guys sing with us. This is our band and to kick off we have Newspaper boy, our good ol' friend, Aubrey!"

Aubrey comes up to centre of the stage adjusting his jacket and I could hear whistles, feminine whistles coming from the audience.

He finds me over the crowd and gives me a peace sign to let me know he sees me. I blush. Thank God for the good drummer the band has, he drives the attention back to them as he starts playing.

I don't think I ever heard this song before. But Aubrey makes it sound like he was the one that wrote it.

I've asked about you and they told me things
But my mind didn't change
I still feel the same
What's a life with no fun? Please don't be so ashamed
I've had mine, you've had yours, we both know, we know

Oh my good lord!

My fake ex-boyfriend can sing! And apparently, rap also. He's voice got the girls drooling and bet they're gonna have
fallen in love with him by the end of the song.

If you let me, here's what I'll do
I'll take care of you
I've loved and I've lost

As the best fades, applauses turn quickly into a standing ovation to which I also had to follow. Aubrey was a star! Funny how when he got here, he was called a coward and now he's like the Singing God.

And that song? ! It leaves me speechless. I'm touched, and considering the fact that through out he performance he had his eyes on me, made the butterflies in my stomach have a whole party.

Did he do that in purpose? Was he trying to tell me something? No, no, no, of course not. It's just a performance trick to keep him focused, and I was his aim.

"So what did you think?" My daze is interrupted by Aubrey sitting back in front of me with a big cheesy smile on his face.

"Amazing! But aren't you going to give them what they want?" I ask calmly as I try not to let my emotion show a lot. The whole bar was asking for an encore.

"No, I'm a one-performance man."

"And that song, I've never heard it before."

"When I was in the hospital, a nurse wouldn't stop listening to it. I ended memorising it. I think it's really meaningful." He says lowering his glare.

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