Chapter 21: Interlude

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            A few days my ass. That snake in the grass left me here a whole month. No news, no visit, no nothing.

You have to recover well is what everyone was telling me. Two days and a couple of analgesics and I was good to go. But did they listen to me? Of course not. The most they did was look down at me with pity.

If they weren't releasing me today, I'm pretty I would have been transferred to a psychiatric clinic for reaching a whole 'nother level of crazy.

I'm finally free from that ridiculous gown I had to wear, those white walls, ugh that food. Adiós amigos!

The first thing I'm going to do is eat a fat hamburger made on the streets then pay Derek and Micheal a visit and give them their well deserved punch with every strength I've been recovering at the hospital since they practically forgot me there. Then finally finish what I started and kill that son of a birch who's out there.

But not before getting Furball from whoever he is.


After I have two meals at this place called I Can Only Take One and breaking the time record of the challenge I went after my friends.

I pass by the police station, but Derek was nowhere to be found and the guys refused to the update me on the case. Even his phone he wasn't answering it.

Therefore I went to Micheal's house. I thought well not telling him I was coming over because he certainly wasn't expecting the blow right in the middle of his face that greeted him when he answered the door.

"Why the fuck did you do that man?" He nearly yells holding his bleeding nose.

"That's for leaving me in that white hole!" I hit him again.

"Looks I did well then cause you're stronger than a muthafucker." He tires to laugh but the pain in his face didn't let it be great.

"You think you're funny." I step in and walk over to the mirror near the door which leaves me to close the door.

"Now that we got that out of the way, tell me how are the things going? That son of a mother is keeping me on the low."

"And I'm not the one who's putting you high. I was never in favour of what you guys were doing so that's not my problem."

"Never was in favour but bailed us countless times from jail." I comment sarcastically.

"That's 'cause I'm friends with yalls' dumbasses. And I only agreed to this crazy idea because of her."

And once again she was mentioned. It seems like ever since I woke up from my coma the big ol' memory trunk has been opened. I hate when people rub the past in my face, like my subconscious doesn't do that everyday for me.

"Anyways, do you know where Derek is? I need to get Furball from him before I head home."

The image of my dog jumping in excitement when he sees Nicki pops in my mind. I can't believe she calls him Cuddles, and the little animal loves it. I think Furball is better.

How was she? I've been asking myself that from time to time but I know it's better to leave things just the way they are, away from my mess. But knowing that her seems like it wasn't enough to stop me from thinking about her.

"I don't know... But I spoke to him a couple of hours ago. I'll try calling him for you."

"Perfect." We walk further into the living room area and a bottle of wine on top of the counter catches my attention.

"Portada, huh? Did you put Chy to sleep alright?" I smirk.

He scratches the back of his head. "Wel-"

"You didn't forget about me bae, did you? I'm getting lonely up there."

I must be crazy already for thinking too much about a certain someone to be starting to hear her voice. That, and seeing her face as the the woman who we had heard coming down reaches the bottom of the staircase.

I was shocked. Not only for seeing Nicki but seeing her at my friend's house, wearing my friend's shirt.

Something I hadn't felt for a long time took over me. I don't even know what was it. But if I had to take a guess, I'd say the green bug of jealous bit me and made me once again a punch on my friend's face face.

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