Chapter 12

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            My problems grew bigger than an external debt of a third world country.  To say the least, I was terrified by what my dad told me. Maybe my mom is ok, maybe she's with Yolanda at the maternity hospital. Who knows...

"Why are your hands covered in dirt? Did you kill the poor animal?" I see Justine devouring the last few slices of pizza Aubrey left in the refrigerator.

"No no, he dropped my phone in the dirt so yeah.... My dad was calling." I try to approach the subject.

"Oh, how is he? I haven't heard about him for s while now."

"He's fine... It's about my mom, she's missing." I say trying not to show that I'm panicking inside. Fail.

"Calm down Nic, I'm sure she's fine wherever she is. When was the last time you saw her last night?"

"I only saw her when I was presenting Aubrey to my cousins, she was right next to aunt Carla. Dad already talked to her. Nothing. Nobody knows she is."

Justine makes an apologetic face hen comes to me for a hug. Her rubbing my back was comforting, but not enough to tell my mind that everything was going to be alright.

Hearing the sound of heels coming down the stairs, I release Justine. Like nothing had happened, Nicole comes in with the kitchen with her nose high.

"I'm about to leave. Call you get a taxi for me?"

"Who gave you permission to go through my stuff?"

I, myself, owner of the outfit haven't even get the chance to try it and this girl thinks she can just wear it.

"You think I was going to leave with your friend's puke all over me? Hell no. But don't worry, I'll send it back to you all cleaned up."

"Can you shut up for once? Can't you see something worse than your lopsided navel happened?" Justine fires back.

"You shut up! My belly button isn't lopsided."

Any other day I'd be with a big bag of popcorn just watching this complement exchange between these two, but not today. I can't stop thinking about my mom, this situation is depressing me and just like that I start crying like a little kid who harmed herself. And my mom isn't here to kiss it.

"Look at what you've done!" Justine mean mugs Nicole who just looks at me confused.

"Wow... Ironic." Blank. Her face was blank until her lips turn into a smirk. That sly smirk I don't like.

"What's that suppose to mean?"

"It means, I actually saw aunt Carol yesterday leaving the club from the back last night."

"How? Who was with her?" So eager to know what was she about to say.

"With Drake."


"Are you insinuating my mom and my boyfriend have an affair?" She must be thinking I'm gonna fall for it.

"No no, we both know your parents love each other. They always treated me well, I wouldn't dare disrespecting them... But it's the truth, your mom left the club with your boyfriend."

I grabbed my phone and dial Aubrey's number. Voicemail, dammit! If only my mother had a cellphone. But no, she just had to been against that kind of technology, saying they're carcinogenic.

Slowly, things start to fall into their places and making sense. A lot things come to my mind, except how did I and Nicole ended up in the bathroom... What's important is that my mom's with Aubrey.

Dricki: Boyfriend For Hire Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora