shugo chara quotes

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"I'll tell you a secret about storytelling. Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty...were not perfect in the beginning. It's only a happy ending on the last page right? If the princess had everything from the beginning there wouldn't be a story. Anyone who is imperfect can become the main character in the story."

"The moonlight will guide me to the world of freedom."

"You are the hero of your own story."

"You can call me a fool if you want to. I want to believe."

"When I sing that place becomes my stage."

"I am the king of my own world."

"Character changes and character transformations are potentials that sleep within you. However, they are not yet your real strengths. Saying, "I can't do this" or "I'm not used to it." Do you like the you who says things like that? If your going to be like that the ability may really disappear."

"Don't focus on finding a simple solution. Even a long journey starts with the first step."

"I wasn't allowed to perform magic on stage. If I showed my magic to my friends, they would figure out that I was zero. Even so, I want to see the faces of people who are delighted by my magic."

"But becoming a famous magician was my dream. Though my dream came true, I wonder why it hurts so much?"

"Don't worry. Haven't we been practicing our best? Takuya, Smile! Smile! Enjoy the stage that you have dreamed of as much as possible."

"It doesn't matter, I take no intrest in people who have forced smiles. As I don't neither does Ikuto."

"But no matter what difficulties you have, I think you can get though it if you have friends."

"The thing about dreams is that they come with anxiety and confusion."

"Sion's dream...I'll protect it no matter what!"

"Nobody knows how far their strength will carry them but thats part of the excitement. Doesn't that mean you can go as far as you want?"

"That's why I chose Utau. She believes in her radience and doesn't hesitate and waver."

"How worthless. Why are you saying things are impossible? You just decided that to make yourself feel better! Sure there are things you can't do, things that seem impossible, but that's what makes everyone unique."

"Diamonds are beautiful and sparkling because they are flawless. Utau's strong determination and her readiness make her shine. Being the way you are now, can you pissibly shine?"

"Nothing disappears from the heart. If you look through the polished window, you'll surely... see them many a time."

"From now on, I'll... Always be inside you... We'll always, ALWAYS be together."

"Don't lock me up here. Out there is... My own world."

"A person with a sparkling heart can do anything beautifully."

"Just beacuse your dreams come true doesn't mean that the battle is over."

"Regardless of winning or losing, it feels good when you try your best."

"You can't live by your horoscope. Thoughts and feelings aren't caused by fate."

"You're wrong. The embryo is not a jewel. The embryo is... A magical egg that fulfills dreams. Everyone's egg of dreams."

"They fill in the voids. There is nothing that I wish for that I cannot get. But... Every time I get something, I still feel a void within myself. That's why I collect pretty rocks. To fill the voids. But no matter how much I collect, the emptyness won't go away. They still won't go away."

"He wasn't allowed to cry. And he chased away his own heart. Without knowing how sad and lonely that would be. Without knowing unconditional love or happiness..."

Then... When I heard the melody, I knew what Betty was thinking. 'I want to go to sleep eternally... In the yard I grew up in, surrounded by gentle memories. This melody made my wishes come true. Thank you.'

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