Kei Tsukishima

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"We're not hung up on winning or losing, so if it'll be troublesome for you guys to lose... How about we throw the game for you?"

"... Uselessly hot-blooded people irritate me..."

"King. Toss a little away from the net. I don't want to get blocked."

"Hi. I'm the normal guy. Nice to meet you."

"Arara sooorry about that. You're so small I couldn't see you."

'I must be really foolish to have this kind of thought. It's not like I'm Hinata. But... To think that I actually want to fight until the end.'

"Hi. I'm the normal guy. The time lag attack may have fooled our wild beast over there, but it doesn't work on me. Pleasure to meet you."

"Do you really expect me to keep up with these two??"

"We're heading back as soon as I give the word. Ignore me at your own peril... I have no problem ditching the both of you in the most sketchy, inconvenient place I can possibly find. You see, I'm well aware that the two of you haven't the faintest clue as to where our ryokan is."

"I'm still young and developing, you see. My physical strength still have a ways to go."

"That's just plain avoidable, isn't it-- Hinata's innate abilities and mine are completely different after all--"

"... It's just a club you know. Why are you all putting in so much effort? All that hard work will only make you suffer later."

"Flashily putting up a fight is Hinata's job. While he's in the rear guard, my job is to "more or less endure" as best I can. It's the same as always, isn't it?"

"Azumane-san, doesn't it bother you? The feeling of someone with strong abilities drawing ever closer to you."

"If you don't watch out, Hinata will concentrate too hard and overtake you again."

'Whatever the reasoning behind them, just now, Yamaguchi's words were far cooler than my endless ruminating.'

"... I never... Thought I'd see the day... Just when did you become such a cool guy? You're really cool."

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed... Is it that time of the month for the tyrant king?"

"Getting invited to the National Youth training camp was supposed to be a good thing... But it's like he's regressed back to his "tyrant king" mode and back to his old habits..."

"Now that's the king of the court I used to know and love... It's been a while since you preached from your high horse."

'I'm just gonna pretend this isn't happening... I don't know this person. I don't know this person.'

"Why are you here?! Did you actually think you could get away with this? What were you thinking?! You dingus! You are... An absolute...MORON!!!"

"Oh,please. Save it for someone who cares. Your foolhardy, reckless antics are nothing new."

"So tell me, is it frustrating chasing those balls around all day without getting in any practice time? Wanna try telling the coaches "Actually, I've decided to quite" and begging for mercy? Well, give it your all as the ball boy. I'll be rooting for you! Try not to make a complete waste of these precious five days leading up to the spring tournament, alright buddy?"

'When Hinata is glaring at me, I start feeling like I actually have to try.'

"You're so bright right now my eyes are starting to bleed."

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