Momiji Sohma

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"Mama doesn't know about me."

"Children who are cursed by vengful spirits... Are born two months earlier than normal... To meet your true love... Then marry your true love... And have a baby with your true love... And hold that baby... And then have it turn into a strange baby animal... What despair... A mother would feel."

"The mothers of children possessed by vengeful spirits... Either become extremely overprotective of them...or REJECT them entirely. My mama rejected me. She rejected me with her whole body. She wouldn't look at me. She was always irritated... Always hysterical... Thinking about it now... I can tell she was BROKEN. Just like Kana."

"And so... I disappeared from mama's memories. Mama eventually got better. In two months, she could smile again. I wonder if I really helped mama."

"When Ritchan panics, he goes crazy... But... He's very nice."

"But... My goal might be... IMPOSSIBLE for me... Even so... I think it would be great if it came true... So I keep believing. Yeah! Someday... I'll show you Tohru!!"

"It would be nice if they'd just swim like normal people. They're so CHILDISH."

"Hiro's mama is having a baby?!"

"Either one would be great! But if it's a girl, it would be sad that he can't hug her tight. But since it definitely won't be possessed by a vengeful spirit... It won't make it's mama sad!"

"That's because... When it comes to watermelons... There has to be a watermelon smashing tournament!"

"But I do... Want to go back soon."

"I've gained freedom...and yet... it's so lonesome..."

"Kyo's got the hots, Kyo's got the hots!"

"She looked different from everyone, so they made fun of her." *about kisa*

"Yuki? Kyo? Do you really think that's stupid? When you close your eyes... What do you think?"

"If I keep them, and keep trying, without running away... If I keep trying, then someday... Someday I'll be strong enough that those memories can't defeat me. I believe that."

"Tohru. My dream, you know? Is to be a violinist. I want to be a violinist... And have a small concert... And... Papa and Mama and Momo will listen to me play!"

"You've made me so happy. I'm so happy because... There's someone who will cry for me..." *to tohru*

"Even though they were ignoring her, whenever Kisa said anything, they'd laugh. They'd just start giggling. You know... I've.... Never had that happen to me in class. All I can do is imagine, so that's what I did. Wondering how I'd feel if everyone started giggling at me everytime I said something. It... It was a very... Very sad feeling..."

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