Naruto Uzumaki

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"Why should I be sad? My parents died protecting the village from the monster fox;they're heroes and I'm the son of those heroes! If I cry it's because I'm happy! I'm not even sad that they went and left me all alone..."

"The pain of being out of this world,huh"

"Until I reach my dream, I refuse to die."

"If I become as strong as you, will I really become like you? To die as a tool--thats just too sad."

"Nothings wrong with crying when your happy."

"Failing doesn't give you a reason to give up as long as you believe."

"It's not the face that makes someone a monster, it's the choices they make with their lives."

"I will become a bigger badass than my father. And a stronger shinobi than my mother!"

"Because they saved me from myself, they rescued me from my loneliness. They were the first to accept me for who I am. They're my friends."

"People who continue to put their lives on the line to defend their faith become heroes and continue to exist on in legend."

"Hard work is worthless for those that don't believe in themselves."

"I am strong because I have people to protect."

"If you don't like your destiny, don't accept it. Instead, have the courage to change it the way you want it to be!"

"The pain of being not an easy one to bear. Why is it...that I can understand your pain? But...I already have many people who are important to me now...and I can't let you hurt any of them. Even if I have to kill you!"

"Instead of a parent who is carved on rock and unable to speak, it would be better to have a parent who says, "welcome home" when I get back home."

"Sasuke is like a brother to me... More of one than you ever were to him!"

"Haven't you ever heard of the word "friend?"

"It's true that teamwork is important... And I know that, but I want to cross that dangerous bridge myself. If I can't get to the other side, I'll stay a kid forever. Please don't take that bridge away."

"Way back, I used to hate Sasuke... But once I got used to being with him I realized he's really a lot of fun... To be around... He's the person that, more than anyone else accepted me and my existence. Sasuke is my friend... And he represents bonds that I waited so long to recieve, so that's why..."

"Itachi... Thank you for trusting me. You don't have to worry anymore... You've done more than enough for the village already! Leave the rest to me!"

"You're not the monster fox anymore. You're one of my teammates from Konoha... Kurama."

"I was always so alone. But I've made friends. I finally know what I have to protect. So that's why..."

"Boruto... With what I do now, all the people in the village are like family. So there will be times that you won't be able to have me as a father all to yourself. I know this might be hard for you... But you must learn to endure it. You're a shinobi too, aren't you?"

"You and I are a lot alike... More than you know... We shouldn't be doing this."

"3 days is enough for me to master this kind of jutsu! Remember that and don't go back on your word!"

"From this day on... Friends forever, no matter what."

"When people are protecting something truly precious to them, they can truly become stronger."

"You see... They were enemies. But ya know... I KINDA LIKED THEM." *about Haku & Zabuza

"Sasuke... Where are you right now... And what are you thinking about? Do you ever think even a little about me or Sakura... Or even master Kakashi, at all...? You defeated your brother Itachi... And achieved vengeance... Do you feel relieved now...? Or is it even more painful than before? Sasuke... Why won't you come home to Konoha...? Were you done in by the  hatred, Sasuke? Did you really just become an ordinary criminal...? I'm starting to not understand you..."

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