Akaashi Keiji

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"I don't think it's possible to prevent them from scoring even a single point, though."

"We'll let you have the good part, so make your comeback already, ace!"

"Understood. Please use this time to calm down."

"Potential outcomes of tossing to Bokuto-san when he's a little to fired up. Case A: He scores=no problems. Case B: He misses or is blocked=there's the possibility of him losing more motivation than usual. Case C: I don't toss to him= There's a risk of him sulking. Case C is the most troublesome."

"Bokuto-sans spiking is endless so everyone escapes as quickly as possible."

"Are they really the amazing first years?"

"Bokuto-san just ran away."

"That's something we should never try. Hinata hit it like it was nothing, but I believe it would take a lot of practice to hit a toss like that. Not to mention... Making a toss float at the point of impact is an incredible move. At my skill level, that's impossible."

"I'm sure Karasuno's figured out what kind of team we are by now. Which means... Their attention is off of the ace. And Bokuto-san wants to hit so badly that he's getting restless!"

"Yeah. Well, he self-destructs at the most random times. But it doesn't bug him if our enemy is strong, so were usually okay, when everyone on the team loses hope, he's still pretty energetic. Despite everything, he's pretty reliable."

"Who knows eh, the coming and going of his quirky phases are capricious as the person himself."

"Bokuto-san aren't you being a little self concious of the receiver on the other side? If they catch it let them catch it and leave them be... We can regroup and just spike it again-"

"Bokuto-san's weakness...#37. When he becomes totally fixated on one kind of thing... There are occasions where he totally forgets how to do anything else."

"Well then. Don't think or worry about anything... Just spike some crosses. As long as it feels good. We'll be sure to clear a path for you."

"Haiba... Is inexperienced but he makes up for it with his intuition and height. It's formidible to be pit directly against him. However, when you compare him to Kuroo, he's very gullible."

"In the next rotation, Haiba will fall to the back line while the pain-to-the-ass Kuroo-san will return to the front line. If it's Bokuto-san we're talking about, he can empty his head. If we are going to dupe the blockers to get the ball rolling for Bokuto-san, the current rotation is the optimum time for it."

"Bokuto-san, you missed three serves straight during crunch time. Let's be sure to clean that up."

"Hinata if he's being presumptuous feel free to tell him off." *about Bokuto*

'Bokuto-san's weakness number 6 an absolute "show-off.'

"However in this sub-arena we're the only ones playing right now. Which means all eyes... Are on you. More importantly, your disciple has also come to watch you!!"

'To be honest, I'm still not fully clear on the ecology of Bokuto-san... I think the fact that he comes off as comical from the perspective of an outsider, is very important to him too.'

"... I can only draw out a minute fraction off Bokuto's true power anyway... Besides... When Bokuto is in top form, he's a human highlight reel."

"By purposely showing the enemy they can copy their best techniques, they're adding extra mental pressure. For having the sense to even pull that off as well as the cisiveness to actually go through with it... I'm envious."

'Does he understand me or not? No... He probably doesn't care.' * about bokuto*

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