Luka Crosszeria

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"Only I know your pain. Your uncertainty... Your loneliness... If only we could be together forever. I'll say it as many times as you wish. I will not betray you!"

"... You're still agonizing over the same thing... Aren't you? I will... Walk beside you. Always... And I'll do anything for you. If you wish it, I'll take you to the ends of the earth."

"... I've begun to change my mind about you and the others. At first I didn't even want to bring Yuki here... But... He seems to have been... Truly enjoying himself the whole time he's been here with you."

"... There's no need... For you to be a model zweilt with me... Nor is there any need... For you to hold yourself together infront of me." *to Toko*

'The tears shed by humans... Are so beautiful-'

"It's alright. It's what I yearn for. Listen to me. The things that you can't keep bottled up inside... You can let them all out at me. Don't force yourself to hold back in front of me."

"No matter what you say or do... I'll stay beside you. I will never forsake you. So long as you wish it... I'll be by your side...-"

"'-Even if he gets hurt... And weeps... His eyes will be fiercer for it afterward... And surely, he'll stand up again... That's because he's thinking of "another". And the reason I can think of those tears as beautiful... That too... Is because he sheds them over "another". At some point... I understood. To have consideration for each other-That is the true strength of these creatures known as humans-..."

"...Yuki himself... Wants to forget. By your laws of reincarnation... Whatever you most longed for just as you were dying... Is reflected when you receive your next life. Isn't that so? Therefore, in his previous life... Yuki wished to lose all of his memories... Including those of me... Maybe... The fact that he was born a boy too..."

"...And if... He remembers, and the result is that I've hurt him even more? Sometimes, it's better not to know the truth."

"...It... It doesn't matter... How I feel..."

"I see no difference. If I can't earn your trust in life... Then living is no better than death to me. Because you are important to me... If I say that, will you believe it?"

"You do... What you think is right. You should believe."

"Don't try so hard... It's okay. But... If you can smile like that... I'm glad."

"...So this is a "Hot Spring"? And people sit in it as a group? Human customs are odd."

"You never change. I can't leave you alone for a second."

"You don't have to compare yourself to her. You're fine just the way you are."

'You really don't understand... How important you are. For us... Your presence... Is joy itself. And I'm the one who's always thinking... That I don't want to let you down-'

"Yuki... I want you to know... When I look at you, It is you I see. Right now. I'm seeing you. And they do too..."

"I don't want you... To take anymore burdens onto yourself, Yuki..."

"When I fall in love... It's only... One time."

"An illusion is darkness. Those who cannot see the darkness cannot resist its sweet temptation and are stained black. Eventually the darkness envelops the light controlling everything."

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