Nishinoya Yu

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"Don't you DARE give up on the shots I've worked so hard to receive!! I'm a libero! A vital part of our team's formation! And yet, scoring points is impossible for me... I'm not allowed to attack. And I have no intention of blaming you, no matter how many of your spikes don't go through. But to just accept defeat so selfishly... That's something I cannot forgive!"

"My role is to strictly 'connect' everyone. I can't fight in the sky -- that's the spikers' domain. But I will, without fail, get the ball to them at the highest point possible. No matter how many times it bounces back off a 'wall', if I can just get to it, then our ace will definitely score. The ball which has rebounded off the wall... just you watch! This time as well, I'll raise it up, so please, call out for a toss once more, ace!"

"My hand's thickness is about 2 cm. Perhaps my hands are a lot smaller than those of other boys my age... But that 2 cm gap between the ball and the floor is the ace's lifeline!"

"Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, get over here. I've got an important lecture to give you, so crouch down! No, wait, sit down! Get yourselves lower than my line of sight!"

"Who cares how it sounds? If a spiker is able to score because of you, the decoy, then your position is just as important!"

"Alright! There's nothing to be scared of! You guys just keep looking straight ahead. I'll guard your backs with my life if I have to!"

"Oi guys, don't you start freaking out now! If we fall, let's fall forward!"

"No matter how hard I struggle, it's a fact that tall guys have the advantage in volleyball. Right here and now, he's the tallest around. But that doesn't matter for liberos. I'm the only one who can combat him on equal footing."

"After all, I have the leading role."

"Rolling... Thunder... Again. That was perfect."

"The truly skilled receivers... Are the ones that never really stand out."

"Karasuno's always got me watching it's back! But there are somethings even I cannot do. So I'm going to acknowledge my limits... And beg you guys to take care of mid-air battles, even if it feels as if your thighs are about to burst."

"I want to train with you all, too. But... If I played in a match and our team won, it would be proof that we could do without Asahi-san. I don't like that. He's always fought alongside us, but now... I'm sorry for being difficult."

"Suga-san, you've really gotten cooler."

"What other people think has got nothing to do with it!!! It's about whether you still want to hit spikes."

"That was the first time I'd ever seen someone who could keep the ball in play like that off our ace's spike. I thought that the ability of a libero on a team that is so good at recieves must be really incredible. I WON'T LOSE EITHER!"

"After practice... I'll treat ya to a Garigari-kun ice pop... 'Cause I'm... A "Senpai", after all!!!"

"It goes saa and then suu like that, then pon. That's it. Kay?"

"Still, during a match, no matter how incredible the spike, what excites and awes the crowd the most is when they see a super recieve. In the battle of height that is volleyball, libero might be the only position where a short player can thrive. However, I'm not a libero because of my height. Even if I'm near 2m. tall, I'd still play as a libero. Even if you can't spike the ball, even if you can't block it, if the ball doesn't touch the floor, then you can't lose in volleyball. And the one who is best to ensuring that is the libero."

Nicknames've got nothing to do with it, y'know. If someone's spike can succeed thanks to your being a decoy, then the importance of your position won't change. Just like an "ace", "guardian deity" or "control tower".

"I'll take care of everything and get it through to you!! So please hit this spike with everything you've got!! Asahi-san!!"

"I still can't do it that well yet, but if I can properly carry out block follow-ups, then you guys will be able to spike without worry."

"As long as you think you're cool, who cares how others see you!"

"If Shiratorizawa has Ushiwaka, then Karasuno has me. That's all."

"The highly skilled players can predict the course of the ball just by looking at the spikers form, among other things. Ya know, like Morisuke-kun and Daichi-san."

"The smirky read blocker!"

'Could this... Possibly be one of those lucky happenings... One only experiences in dreams... Basically... The lucky ero! Sorry... But there is clearly an irresistible divine power at play here. Thank you God... Thank you God...'

'Caught in the arms of a total babe...!'

"The thing is... I had that same train of thought... If I could get to everything with an underhand, then I shouldn't bother with anything else. I was more than confident in my ability to accomplish that... But... I realized doing that limited my options... That there could be better, greater things out there... And that increasing my repertoire would only add to my versatility. Besides, life's a bore if you don't challenge yourself."

'It's like my feet are glued to the floor. I know that my reflexes are slower than usual. I get it. Right now, I'm feeling afraid.'

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