Haruhi Fujioka

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"If you keep on hiding your true feelings, who is going to be happy? If you are sad, you should say it out loud!"

"If you don't face each other with honesty, what kind of family is this?"

"A person can change, at the moment when the person wishes to change."

"I would solve a friend's problem... then also find a way to keep them from ending up with a new one."

"I think it's fun to get to know a person little by little, through looking at their personality."

"Besides, it doesn't really matter, does it? Why should I care about appearances and labels anyway. It's what's on the inside that counts."

"My face feels heavy, and I can't walk in these shoes."

"I hate all these damn rich people."

"Mom... Mom in heaven.... Does love come suddenly like this"

*points to Tamaki* Hey, look! A pervert!

"Even though I gave my first kiss to a girl by a weird series of events, the night had a good feel to it."

"You two are different even though you look the same."

"Come on sempai, would you please stop growing mushrooms in other people's closets?"

"You know, sempai, this could be considered sexual harrassment."

 I don't know if I can handle this mom. I been captured by a bunch of boys that are calling themselves a "Host Club".

"I think you're taking this poor thing too far."

"Why should I care about appearances and labels anyway? I mean, all that really matters is what's on the inside, right? I don't understand why you even have a Host Club like this."

"Listen, Senpai. I don't really care if you guys recognize me as a boy or a girl. In my opinion it's more important for a person to be recognized for who they are, rather than what sex they are."

"Kaoru! I don't understand what's going on... But you should believe in Hikaru more. Kaoru... You're sweet, but you're self-centered. You decide what other people are feeling, then you go ahead and act on your own. But Hikaru can defitnetly think for himself. He thinks about you a lot too. You should believe in Hikaru."

"Kaoru and Hikaru got into a fight. Not like the usual fake fights. They were really serious about it. When I asked them why they were fighting, they wouldn't answer me. I couldn't help them. They were so serious, and I wasn't sure how much I should interfere. I couldn't tell if it was okay to keep asking questions when they didn't want to talk to me."

'I thought he was like a child...and in a way it's true. Underneath it all, the lesson his mother taught him as a child is still living on in him. And this way of living, all of it... Is because he wants his mother to always be smiling and happy.'

Like a little kid... 'He's surprised by a large goal that suddenly materialized in front of him. But...' It's not nonsense... Otherwise, why would you have started the host club? You've already made a lot of people very happy. 'In the beginning, his efforts were focused on making just one person happy. But if that expands into a far larger goal...' I don't think it's nonsense at all. To have such a dream... IS JUST LIKE YOU, TAMAKI.

"When a mother has to be away providing for the family, her children know she is doing it out of love. Sure they might get lonely from time to time, but they understand."

"Since dad is really tired, it's good if dad can sleep all day at home on his days off. That way, we can spend the whole day together."

"A good man making women happy is everything. But it doesn't really matter, does it? Men, women or looks it's what inside that matters for a person."

"Hmm... So things are alright... Like this? But... If this is their first fight... It seems to me they really need someone to referee the proceedings! Especially to declare that things have gone far enough... And it's time to make up!"

"This is a sibling squabble, not a fight to the death! You're both wrong, and acting like idiots only proves it! Now stop this and make up!! If you don't, I'll never invite you to my house!EVER!"

"Mori... He's all right, y'know... Hunny's all right. We'll find him. He's small, but very tough..."

"Kaoru... It's been three days. Tell me what's going on. When I try to ask Hikaru about it, he avoids me. Why are you being so cold to him? Why have things gotten so bad?"

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