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**Read "No Control" then "Strong".  This is Harry's perspective.**

From the moment I met Lizzie, I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. If only I'd acted on my feelings then, maybe she wouldn't now be married to my bandmate.

I've told Liam that I no longer have feelings for her. I'm afraid I've lied to him. I am still madly in love with my beautiful Lizzie.

She's married to Liam, they have a child together, and another on the way. She's happy, so I keep my love for her buried deep inside. Or at least I try.

Recently my dear friend from school, Alice, has been pushing me about what's wrong. She's always been like a sister to me, so I feel I can trust her. It's far too complicated to try and explain. So instead, I will show her some pages I've copied from my journal. The only place where I can allow my love for Lizzie to spill out.  

Harry's Journal (Book 3 in the No Control Series)Where stories live. Discover now