Chapter 21

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Alice looks across the clothing store, shocked to see Lizzie. Immediately she feels like this is happening for a reason, she must be meant to talk to Lizzie, about Harry. She makes her way across the room.


Liz looks up, recollection quickly showing in her eyes. "Alice, how are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

Liz touches her ever growing belly. "I'm great, thanks."

"Liz, do you have time for some tea?"

Liz's face clouds with concern. "Is Harry ok?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." Alice confirms.

"Alright, let's go to the cafe next door."

Liz chooses an outdoor table, away from everyone, while Alice goes inside to get their tea.

She thanks Alice as she sets the tea in front of her. "Is H ok?"

Alice adds milk to her tea, blowing out a breath before answering. "Physically, he's fine. Liz, I'd like to share something with you. I'm not sure it's really my place, but I feel you should know."

Liz gently rubs her pregnant belly. "What is it?"

"Harry recently shared parts of his journal with me. He needed someone he could confide in. Liz, I know he's told Liam, and you, that he has gotten over you. That's not true."

Liz looks down. "I know."

"How do you know?"

Liz looks up at Alice. "I just know. He hides it well from everyone else, but not from me."

"Does Liam know?"

"He doesn't talk about it."

"Look, Liz, I don't mean to upset you."

"What's in the journal?" Liz asks.

Alice thinks for a moment. "How much he loves you, how much it hurts him, and how happy it makes him all at the same time."

Liz looks up, trying to stop the tears in her eyes from spilling over.

Alice begins to wonder if this was a bad idea. She had set out to give Liz a piece of her mind for leading Harry on. Clearly though, Liz cares for H deeply.

"Alice, please know that I don't want Harry to be in pain ever, especially because of me. What can I do though?"

"Maybe I shouldn't have said anything to you, Liz. Clearly Harry isn't the only one in turmoil."

"May I confide in you, Alice?"

"Of course, Liz."

"I can honestly tell you that I do love Harry; and if there was no Liam in my life, I would most likely be in a relationship with Harry. However, there is Liam. I love my husband more than I could ever try to put into words. I don't feel guilty for loving my husband and our life, but I do feel bad that it causes Harry pain."

Alice looks down at her lap, feeling badly for how she'd thought of Liz earlier. "Liz, I'm not sure you could have said that more perfectly. You must understand, I want my friend to be happy."

"Of course I do. I want Harry to be happy as well, but short of me becoming a bigamist, I don't have the answer."

Alice laughs. "I can see why Harry feels the way he does about you, Liz. You actually remind me of him."

Liz smiles. "That's a flattering compliment, thank you."

"Liz, have you ever considered letting him go?" Alice blurts out.

"What do you mean? Do you think I'm leading him on?" Liz frowns.

"I was just wondering, if he knew without a doubt that there was no hope of being with you, if he could move on."

"Harry is a part of my life, of Liam's, of my children's."

"For his sake though."

"So you think I'm selfish, and I should basically tell him to shove off?"

Alice looks down, perhaps she's gone too far.

"I'm sorry, Alice, but it's not easy to break Harry Styles' beautiful heart."

Alice sits quietly as Liz gets up, leaves money on the table for her tea, and walks down the street. 

**Next read: Fireproof (Book 4 No Control Series) and see how Liam and Liz's story continues**

Harry's Journal (Book 3 in the No Control Series)Where stories live. Discover now