Chapter 18

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*Journal Page*

I've been dreading this moment. I knew it was inevitable, and now it's here.

A 'friend" that I confided in about Lizzie, has sold me out to a newspaper. They've written an article about my feelings for her. A lot of it is true, but there are some exaggerations as well.

The headline reads 'Harry Styles in Love with Bandmate's Wife'. Shit!

My phone has been ringing like crazy all morning. The only call I've answered is Lizzie's. Apparently Liam has seen the article and is understandably not very happy. She filled me in on the conversation they had. She's told him that I've gotten over her. I closed my eyes then, not sure why hearing her say that hurt so much.

I promised her I'd be right over to talk to Liam.


Alice looks up at Harry. "I'm not sure I want to read next one."

He smiles. "It wasn't easy, but it was something I had to do. Sometimes I wonder if it would have been easier to tell him the truth."

Alice takes a deep breath, then begins to read the next journal page.

*Journal Page*

The drive over to talk to Liam was difficult. I tried to go over in my head what I should say. I certainly couldn't just speak from my heart. As much as I would have liked to be honest with Liam, I couldn't. I had to tell him what he wanted to hear, for the other lads sake, for Lizzie's sake, and for the sake of my friendship with Liam.

When I arrived, I took a deep breath, and rang the bell.

Liam answered the door, letting me in without saying a word. I immediately caught sight of Lizzie, sitting at the top of the stairs. I tried not to let the fact that she would hear everything I'd say, shake me.

My conversation with Liam, went something like this.

"You can hit me if you want, Liam. I probably deserve it." I paused for a moment, finding the nerve to lie to my friend. Telling myself it was the unselfish thing to do. "You need to know though, I've moved on. I'm not in love with Lizzie...anymore." At that moment I looked subtly up at Lizzie. I could tell by the look on her face that she didn't believe me. I had to just hope that Liam believed it.

He finally asked me. "So you just stopped having feelings for her?"

I noticed that he didn't look in my eyes. I'm not sure if it was due to him still being so angry, or maybe he was afraid my eyes would tell him something different from my words.

"It took some time, Liam. Seeing how happy you make Lizzie, how much she loves you, knowing how well you treat her. That all helped. Honestly though, Ella was a major factor. You have an incredible family, Liam. You are a lucky man."

I blew out a breath, and told Liam that I'd never hurt any of them.

After each thing I said, he would look off into the distance, his hands in fists at his side. Then he'd finally reply.

"Why did you tell her, Harry? Did you think she'd leave me for you?"

"No, I never even considered her leaving you. I knew she loved you, and I also knew she didn't love me...not in that way. I told her because I needed to find some kind of closure, so I could move on. It would have been harder on our friendship if I kept it bottled up."

Liam finally looked at me. "I think I've always felt like you've had a crush on her. It never bothered me, until it was plastered all over the internet, for the whole world to see."

I couldn't help but laugh. "They've said a lot worse about us, Mate."

Liam didn't smile, but his face softened a bit. "That's true."

"Can we get past this?"

Liam sighed before responding. "I think so. I'm going to need some time. I still want to hit you, but not as much as before."

I genuinely laughed. "Well that's a start."

I lowered my voice, asking Liam a question that I was afraid of how he'd answer. "Do you want me to stay away from Lizzie?"

I held my breath, awaiting his answer. Honestly not sure I could stay away from her if I tried.

"No, I trust Liz. You...I'm gonna need a little time though."

I released the breath I was holding. Thank God. "I understand. I just don't want things to be weird between us all."

"That might take some time. " Liam replied rather stiffly.

"I better go." As I passed the stairs I looked up at Lizzie. I gave her a quick wink. She smiled, put her hand on her heart, and mouthed thank you.

At the door, I told Liam. "You do know how much Lizzie loves you, right?" Then I walked to my car.


Alice looks at Harry, unsure of what to say.

Harry blows out a breath. "I know, it's a horrible thing to lie to your friend. It's a hard thing for me to live with. Honestly though, Alice, what choice did I have? If I'd told Liam that I am in fact in love with his wife, well, that would have destroyed everything. Most likely our friendship would have been over. I wouldn't get to see my goddaughter, or...the woman that I love."

Alice speaks up. "So instead of hurting others, you just hurt yourself?"

Harry sighs. "I did what I thought was right."

Harry's Journal (Book 3 in the No Control Series)Where stories live. Discover now