Chapter 4

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*Journal Page*

I'm back in England. Liam and Lizzie have invited me and the other lads over.

When she entered the room, I knew immediately that something was wrong. She'd been crying. She assured me that she was alright.

Lizzie asked Niall and I to walk her down the aisle, since her parents have passed away. Of course, Niall and I agreed.

Afterwards I pulled Lizzie aside to be sure she was alright. I made her promise that if she ever needed anything, she would call me. I assured her I'd be by her side in a heartbeat.

We hugged so tight. She told me I was an amazing friend. about a shot to the heart.


"What happened after that?" Alice asks.

"I went back to LA for awhile. Lizzie told me that Liam had bought the villa in Italy for her. They were going to spend some time there."

"How was your time away in LA? Did it help?"

Harry smiles, not the truly happy kind, the kind that hides the pain.

"I tried to go on some dates. The problem is, I now compare every woman to Lizzie. No one measures up."

Alice picks up the next page.

*Journal Page*

I'm back in England. Lizzie and I had lunch today. She was going to help me find a gift for Gemma, but she had an appointment. She suggested I tag along, it shouldn't take much time. I agreed. Then she told me the appointment was with her gynecologist.

Sitting in the doctor's office with Lizzie, I couldn't help but imagine having a baby together. I tried to shake the thought away. It's just not gonna happen.

The doctor abruptly tells Lizzie that there were some abnormalities in her test. I moved to the edge of my seat. All I could think was God no, please let her be ok.

Next the doctor blurted out that she may not be able to have children. What the hell happened to bedside manner?

I rushed to her side. As the doctor left us alone, I held Lizzie while she cried. I just let her get it all out, while I rubbed her back.

When she calmed a bit I asked her what I knew I had to. If she wanted me to call Liam. I was surprised when she insisted I not.

Instead I took her to the nearby park. We sat on a bench, my arm around her. Shielding her from the world.

I tried to calm her down, put everything in perspective for her. When she told me that she was afraid that Liam wouldn't want her if she couldn't have children, my heart broke. Oh sweet Lizzie, how can you not know how perfect you are?

She asked me to go with her to tell Liam. It won't be easy for me, but I can't deny Lizzie anything, ever.

I closed my eyes slowly, kissing the top of her head, as I muster up the courage to take her to Liam.

A small part of me wants to keep driving, just Lizzie and I. Drive far away, hide from the world. Instead I drive to Liam's house, Lizzie's happiness always comes first.

When we arrive, I wipe away the tears from her beautiful eyes before we head inside.

The minute Lizzie saw Liam she lost it. She ran upstairs, and although my instinct was to follow her and comfort her, I instead explain the situation to Liam.

Then I left. Leaving Liam to comfort my beautiful Lizzie.


Alice doesn't look up at Harry, she just quietly whispers. "I'm so sorry."

Harry's Journal (Book 3 in the No Control Series)Where stories live. Discover now