Chapter 16

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*Journal Page*

I'll never forget the day that Ella was born. Sweet, beautiful, Ella. Just like her mum.

I'll also never forget the day that Lizzie asked me to be Ella's godfather. I know it was her way of including me, her way of connecting me to a child that she knew I would love as though she were my own...because I loved her mother.

Back to the day Ella was born...Liam had sent us all a frantic text. I dropped everything and headed to the hospital.

When Lizzie started having contractions, the doctor insisted only two of us could be in her room at a time. Niall was in Lizzie's room, along with me. He chatted with Liam, while I talked with Lizzie. It wasn't a long amount of time, but it meant the world to me. During that time I was able to hold Lizzie's hand, to talk her through contractions, to comfort her. To be a small part of this amazing miracle.

The doctor kicked us all out, and we waited across the hall.

It felt like forever before we were allowed back in Lizzie's room. The moment I walked in, I saw a happy family, a family of three. I ignored the stab deep in my heart.

Liam introduced us all to Miss Ella Elizabeth. What a beautiful name.

I took a deep breath, then made my way over to them. I leaned in and gave Lizzie a kiss on the cheek. "Congrats, Lizzie, she's adorable. Just like her mum."

Honestly I wanted to say beautiful, but Liam was right there. I gave him a hug next. When I congratulated him, I also told him. "You do realize you'll be spending the rest of your life chasing boys away from her, right?"

I asked to hold her, and Liam put her into my arms. Sat in the chair beside Lizzie's bed, I had a long conversation with Ella. I told her that I was her Uncle Harry. I let her know that I loved her and that I would always be there for her. I shared with her how amazing her mum is, and promised her I'd teach her how to play scrabble. When she's older I'll take her shopping for clothes, and that I will need to meet every perspective boyfriend for my approval.

Then I let her know my wishes for her as she held my finger. I wish that you have a long, healthy, happy life. I wish that you find true love, and that person will be available to love you back. 

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