Chapter 3

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*Journal Page*

Today, when Lizzie returned, I gave her the diamond earrings I'd gotten her for her birthday. She seemed to genuinely love them. I loved seeing that smile on her beautiful face.

I didn't ask her about her night. Honestly, I didn't want to know.


"Did you ever find out where they went for her birthday?" Alice asks.

"I heard rumors of a castle, and something Cinderella. I prefer to not know the details. You know she still wears those earrings, it always makes me smile."

Alice smiles, reaching for the next page.

*Journal Page*

Tonight before the concert, Sophia came to see Liam. The look on Lizzie's face when she walked in and saw them together on the balcony...broke my heart.

I followed her outside, to check on her. We sat on a bench together, and when I put my arm around her, it felt so right.

Even though I assured her that Liam loved her, a part of me was hoping that he'd go back to Sophia. Not because I wanted to see Lizzie hurt, just so that I could have her for myself. A horribly selfish thought, I'm afraid.

She looked so scared. When I gave her a hug, and felt her arms wrap around me in return...I knew that I loved her. If I didn't know already, I knew without a doubt then.


"H, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine a more difficult situation. Why is this next journal page so short?"

Harry blows out a breath. "Just skip that one. That was the day her ex boyfriend showed up. He tried to hurt her, and I was so angry when I heard that I couldn't even write about it."

"Did he hurt her?"

"She had bruises..."

Alice can see the tears standing in Harry's eyes as he turns to leave the room. Her heart goes out to her friend. She begins reading the next journal page while she waits for Harry to return.

*Journal Page*

The tour is over. I miss seeing Lizzie everyday. She's living with Liam now. We call and text each other often. I don't think she has a clue how I feel about her. I guess I hide it well.

*Journal Page*

We did some interviews today. The interviewer asked Liam about Lizzie. He replied that she was his girlfriend and that he was in love with her.

I swear it would have hurt less if he had plunged a real knife in my heart. Then I looked at sweet Lizzie. The smile on her face, made me realize...her happiness is far more important than my own.

*Journal Page*

I've been in LA for awhile.

Lizzie told me that her and Liam were going to Italy for a bit. There's been rumors that they got engaged while they were there. I don't know what to think. If it's true, Lizzie will be ecstatic. It's horrible of me, but I hope it's not true.

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