Chapter 11

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*Journal Page*

I didn't sleep well last night. I was up early, taking a long walk on the property.

As I neared the gazebo where the wedding will take place today, I saw Lizzie. She was standing in the gazebo, alone.

I approached her quietly. She was talking to a picture of her parents. I took a deep breath, breathing in the courage I needed.

She was telling her parents picture that she wished they were there, and how happy she was. I put my hand lightly on her shoulder. "They know, Lizzie. They are here with you."

Then I took the picture from her. I attached it to a set of ribbon and roses that faced the altar. I assured her that it was the best seat in the house.

She smiled sweetly, with tears rimming her eyes, and thanked me.

Then I knew that some teasing was in order. It did my breaking heart good to see my Lizzie grin as I told her she better get back to the cottage and fix herself up. Then I told Caroline she needed to do her job and corral the bride.

The next time I saw Lizzie, she was getting ready at the cottage. I was delivering a note from Liam. Yes I was tempted to read it...but I didn't. Yes I was tempted to switch it out with a note of my own...but I didn't.

When I handed Lizzie the note, I continued the teasing. She was wearing a robe, and I looked her up and down. "Hmm, slight improvement from earlier. Keep working on her girls."

Lizzie tried to kick me, but I was too quick. She looked in my eyes, smiling. She knows that I find her beautiful, always. I was using the teasing to make today a little easier for us both.

Liam's mum said something about Lizzie still needing something borrowed and something blue. I quickly removed the blue hair tie from my wrist, slipping it on Lizzie's. "Here. That's both blue and borrowed. Because I'd like it back." I said to her with a wink.

Her friend Sara was afraid it wouldn't look nice enough on her wrist.

I offered up the idea of Lizzie wearing it on her ankle, or wrapping it around her bouquet instead.

Lizzie really liked the bouquet idea. I loved the fact that she would have a piece of me with her today, well two pieces really, she already has my heart.

She handed me a note to deliver to Liam. No...I didn't read it. I couldn't bear to.


Alice looks up from the page. "That must have been an extremely hard time for you."

Harry smiles. "It's quite strange actually. In one way of course it was very difficult. Yet in another way, seeing her so happy, it made me happy."

Alice shakes her head. "I'm not sure that makes sense, H."

"Well, none of this makes sense. I guess that's how it feels when you put the person you love's feelings before your own."

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