Chapter 17

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*Journal Page*

Today we did some prep for the upcoming tour. We each had to meet with Lizzie to choose our wardrobes.

I arrived first, my heart never failing to skip a beat that first moment I see Lizzie. I gave her a quick smile, and hello, then I greeted little Ella. She reached her little arms out to me and I took her from her mum.

Lizzie and I had a short chat about Ella being six months old now. We both agreed it seemed like just yesterday she was born.

I sat with Ella and we played on the floor. Niall soon arrived and greeted Ella. She showed off for us, so proud she can sit up on her own now. I'm pretty sure little Miss Ella knows she has her uncles wrapped around her little finger.

I insisted that Niall work with Lizzie first, volunteering to take care of Ella.

This sweet little girl may have Liam's eyes, but she definitely looks like Lizzie.

Louis arrived next, he played with Ella for a bit, then I insisted he go ahead and work out his wardrobe with Lizzie. I happily continued to play with Ella. It's impossible to be sad about anything when you are in the presence of this sweet, silly, little girl.

Ella looked up, wiggling about, and said. "Dada." I turned to see Liam with Lizzie. He came and picked Ella up. I couldn't help but smile as I watched my friend greet his daughter.

Liam announced that he was taking Ella for a walk. I got up, moving to stand beside Lizzie. I laughed as she and Liam shared some banter. After Liam left, Lizzie and I were just two friends enjoying a laugh.


Alice looks up at her friend, smiles, and picks up the next page.

*Journal Page*

The last couple of weeks we've had loads of interviews, leading up to the tour. Ella became quite a fixture in those interviews. She'd make her way through our laps, cooing and giggling. Entertaining everyone in the room.

Ella is a happy distraction from the ever growing heaviness in my heart.

*Journal Page*

The opening night of the tour was fun. I love being on stage, performing. It's the one place where I can try to forget everything else. Even when I look out in the audience, and see Lizzie. On stage, I can sing to her, and it's not obvious. Not obvious that I'm in love with her.

Tonight, after the first couple of songs, Liam talked about Ella. He told them if they were quiet, he would bring her on stage; and he did.

Ella was a natural. She never got scared, instead she giggled and "talked" into the microphone. She did so well, that he kept her on stage while we sang a few slower songs.

Little Ella made her way from Liam, to her uncles. We each held her, and sang to her. When it was my turn, I turned her so that she could see us on the large screen. She gasped, then giggled. "El El...Unk." She said with her ever growing vocabulary. Then she gave me a kiss, and cuddled into my chest, clearly ready to sleep. So I held this adorable little girl, and looked up at her mum. We shared a smile that no one else would understand.

Lizzie then came on stage to get Ella. Liam teased her, putting the microphone in front of her, asking if she wanted to sing. Lizzie replied that she couldn't sing, and when she thought the microphone was away from her, added in a cheeky tone that she had other talents. She blushed, realizing the whole stadium had heard it.

I looked down at the ground, getting a bit heated imagining Lizzie's many talents.

Then I laughed with the other lads, watching Lizzie turn several shades of red before taking Ella backstage.


"Sounds like a fun night." Alice says.

Harry smiles, then sighs. "It was a strange time, my emotions all over the place while I tried to conceal my feelings for Lizzie. One moment I could relax, and genuinely have fun. The next I could feel the tear in my heart getting even larger. I tried my best to act normal around Lizzie."

Harry smiled. "Little Ella was a great distraction."

Alice waited for Harry to continue.

"The problem was, whenever I saw Lizzie, I fell even more in love with her."

Harry's Journal (Book 3 in the No Control Series)Where stories live. Discover now