Chapter 19

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*Journal Page*

That first concert after my talk with Liam, was quite tough. If he and I spoke it was only regarding work. On stage though, things were pretty normal, Liam is a true professional.

Lizzie and I kept our distance that night.

The following days, weeks, were definitely awkward. Whenever I was anywhere near Lizzie, Liam would be watching me. Perhaps looking for an excuse to hit me. He surely didn't trust me.

That caused Lizzie and I to be uneasy around each other. Nothing like our usual easy going friendship.

I could tell that Liam wasn't happy when Ella would toddle up to me, reaching out her arms to me for a lift. How could I deny a little girl, she certainly didn't understand what was going on.

*Journal Page*

Today, Lizzie pulled me into the wardrobe room when no one else was around. Unfortunately it didn't end like it does in my dreams when she does that.

"Harry, it's been a couple weeks since that article came out. Things haven't gotten any better between you and Liam."

"Lizzie, I'm not sure what you want me to do? I'm trying to give him room, not do anything to upset him. Like this...if he caught us in this room alone...he'd freak out."

Lizzie pushed herself up on the counter, sitting with her legs swinging. I tried to focus on what she was saying, honestly I did. Instead all I could think about was what I wanted to do to her on that counter. I smirked. First I would put my hands on her thighs, sliding her legs open. Then I'd move between them and put my hands in her hair. Kissing her over and over, till both of our lips were red and swollen. My kisses would move down her neck, then I'd rip off her shirt. I'd push aside the lace of her bra, my mouth devouring her, my large hand just barely enough to cover her breast. Her moans would fuel me on, till I tore off her panties, taking her right there on the counter. Her fingernails raking down my back as she begged me not to stop. Then we'd both scream out each other's names. Not caring who could hear us.


I can literally hear her...


Oh shit! "Sorry Lizzie, what were you saying?"

"I don't want to know what you were just thinking I?"

I bite my lower lip. "No...well, definitely not."

She laughed quietly. Then her eyes trailed to my crotch.

My fantasy had left me with a rather definite physical side effect.

"Um...I...just need a moment." I noticed as I turned away from her that she had a smile on her face. Come on, I'm sure some part of her must like the fact that she has that effect on me.

As I'm turned away from her, I tried to think about sports. It was working until...she talked. Mmm, her voice is so sexy.

"Are you thinking about sports?" She teased.

"Stop talking. You aren't helping." Especially not in the way I'd like you to help me with the matter. I thought.

When the situation had calmed down (literally), I turned back to her. She was still sitting on that damn counter. A gorgeous smile on her face.

"Better?" She teased.

"For now, yes." I laughed. I love that we can be this relaxed with each other, despite all the "stuff" between us.

"I've missed this, H."

"You've missed me getting..."

She interrupted. "NO! You and I able to be ourselves, to relax and tease each other."

I wink. "Oh. Me too, Lizzie."

"Well, if you'd been listening to me."

"I'm listening now, Lizzie."

"I think that we should just be ourselves around each other. Just be how we normally are. I think Liam will chill then, he'll see there's nothing going on." Then she smirked. "Well there might be one growing issue." Then she started laughing hysterically.

I grinned. "You think you're quite funny, don't you?" I walked over to stand in front of her.

"I'm sorry, H, I couldn't resist."

I looked into her eyes. "Neither could I."

I watched as she swallowed hard. We heard voices in the hall. I put my hands on Lizzie's hips, quickly lifting her down from the counter.

"Alright, let's go act normal." Then I grinned. "I know that's not easy for you, Lizzie."

She turned around, pushing on my chest, laughing.

And that is why I can't let go of her, that's why I can't stop loving her. Because no matter what, I always feel so natural, so comfortable with her. I've never felt this way with anyone before.

Harry's Journal (Book 3 in the No Control Series)Where stories live. Discover now