Chapter 12

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*Journal Page*

Niall and I entered the tent where Lizzie was waiting, before walking down the aisle.

Lizzie literally took my breath away. I didn't think it was possible for her to look more beautiful, yet here she is before me, a perfect vision in white. No matter how hard I try I will always succumb to her beauty and her grace.

I stood back, studying Lizzie, as Niall talked to her. She said something to him, then smiled. That smile, even though it wasn't meant for me, still touched me all the way down to my soul.

Caroline ushered everyone outside to line up, but I hung back. I looked Lizzie up and down, not even trying to hide it from her.

"Am I presentable yet?" She asked me, teasingly.

I laughed. Then I told her. "Lizzie, you are utterly breathtaking. More beautiful than any bride I've ever seen. Look...Lizzie, if nothing else, I hope you know that I love you...with every part of me. I need you to know how important you are to me, my only endeavor is your happiness. I treasure you beyond measure, and that will never change."

She smiled, this one meant for me and again, it touched my soul.

"Thank you, Harry." She told me, then got on her tiptoes to kiss my cheek. "You know you mean the world to me."

"And you to me, Lizzie."

The wedding planner called for her then. I leaned down, and kissed her forehead. Then I put my hand on the small of her back, leading her out of the tent.

The moment we stepped out, I could see the look on Caroline's' face. I have a feeling she was afraid of what I'd said to Lizzie. The thing is, no one understands what Lizzie and I share, but us.

Lizzie slips her arm through Niall's, then mine. As we head towards the gazebo, I know without a doubt, that Lizzie has a place in my heart, that no one else can ever have.

As we walked down the aisle, I saw Liam, standing at the gazebo. I could see on his face how very much he loves Lizzie. I've never doubted that. It would almost make things easier if he didn't love her as much, if he was an ass. Then I could steal her away and not feel bad. But he does love her and he's not an ass. That means, I keep my feelings concealed.

As we reached the gazebo, Niall and I each gave her a kiss on the cheek. I wonder if anyone noticed that mine lasted a second longer?

Niall and I stood next to Liam and Louis. Fortunately, or unfortunately, it gave me a perfect view of Lizzie. My mind wandered a bit during their vows. I know I should have listened, but honestly it won't change how I feel for her. When Liam started singing the song he'd wrote for Lizzie, it made me think of the countless songs and poems I've written for her. Some of the songs she has heard, she just doesn't know they are about her. Most of them I've sold to other artists because I couldn't bear to sing them all the time.

I looked down at the ground as the bride and groom had their kiss. When I looked back up, I caught Caroline's eye. She gave me a sympathetic smile. Although I appreciated the gesture, it didn't make all of this hurt any less.

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