Chapter 13

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*Journal Page*

After the ceremony, the guests headed over to the reception. Those of us in the wedding party waited to take pictures. When Liam and Lizzie finally emerged from the tent and we began taking pictures, I prayed that I would look happy in them.

The photographer directed Louis, Niall, Andy, and myself to pose with the bride. After, as we started to step away, Lizzie grabbed my hand. "One with just Harry and I." She told the photographer.

I like to think that Lizzie knew the gift she was giving me with that photo.

"Thank you, Lizzie." I told her. She smiled. "You're welcome, H. Thank you so much for being here." Then she squeezed my hand. The hardest thing was letting go of her soft, perfect hand.

I stood off to the side watching Lizzie take photo after photo, until I saw a flash go off right next to me. I looked over to see Caroline, holding my camera. Apparently I'd left it in the tent, and she was bringing it back to me. She said she hoped that I didn't mind that she took a couple pictures with it.

I told her it was fine, then she insisted I accompany her to the reception.

With one last look over my shoulder at the beautiful bride, I headed off to the reception.

At the reception, I listened as Louis and Caroline gave toasts to the bride and groom. It was kind of hard to listen to talk of special bonds, once in a lifetime loves, and soulmates. However, it was quite easy to raise my glass to a long life of health and happiness.

Soulmates, not sure I believe in that. I mean honestly, how can I possibly believe? If Liam and Lizzie are soulmates, then how can I feel so connected to her?

Later, I watched as Lizzie and Liam shared their first dance. I know the order in which these wedding dances go, and I knew it would be hard for Lizzie to not have her parents here for their portion of the dance. As I watched Liam's parents begin to dance, I whispered in Caroline's ear.

At the appropriate time she tapped Liam on the shoulder, dancing with him at the time Lizzie's mom would have.

And I made my way to Lizzie, putting my hand on her shoulder. She turned towards me. I told her I knew this was a difficult part, and I asked her if I could have this dance. Tears sparkled in her eyes as told me "thank you." Then I held her close as we danced to "In My Life" by the Beatles.

When the dance ended, I wanted nothing more than to whisper in Lizzie's ear that I loved her, yet I knew it wouldn't be fair to her. Instead I kissed her forehead softly.

Ben Winston announced that he had some videos for the bride and groom, I made my way outside then for some fresh air. I returned inside just as Lizzie was getting ready to toss her bouquet. She removed my blue ribbon hair tie from her bouquet. She then tried to hand it to me. I smiled, then leaned down to whisper in her ear. "You know very well that I want you to keep that." I swear I heard her breath catch. Or perhaps that was wishful thinking on my part.

"Are you sure?" She asked me.

I took it from her, gliding it over her hand, to rest on her beautiful wrist. "Yes, I'm sure."

Lizzie touched the hair tie as though it was an expensive bracelet, rather than a cheap ribbon. "Thank you, Harry."

I just nodded as Caroline whisked her away for the bouquet toss.

A few minutes later, I got a bit overheated as Lizzie lifted her dress seductively, for Liam to remove her garter.

Lizzie isn't tall, her legs aren't long, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to run my hand up them, or to feel them wrapped around me.

I was brought back from my thoughts, as Niall slapped me on the back. He insisted I join him, and the rest of the single men in trying to catch the garter.

We all watched as Liam flicked it, and it seemed to fall effortlessly into my open hands. My first thought was not that I'd won, but rather Damn, this has been wrapped around Lizzie's beautiful thigh all day.

When I looked up, I saw Lizzie first. I smiled shyly, and winked.


Alice looks up at Harry, tears threatening to spill over.

"You're crying again?" He asks

"It's hard not to, H. I feel like I'm reading a novel about star crossed lovers. Yet I just happen to know the characters."

Harry looks off into the distance. "That's an interesting way to put it."

"What is this?" Alice asks about the envelope attached to the page.

Harry smiles, taking it from her, opening it and handing her a picture. "That's the one Caroline took with my camera."

The picture is of Harry, looking at Lizzie, with an intense look of love and admiration on his face.

"And this is the one the photographer took."

Alice takes the photo from Harry, an audible gasp escapes her. "Harry, it looks like it would be yours and Liz's wedding photo."

He smiles, looking at the photo longingly. "I know. I tend to believe that Lizzie knew what she was doing when she asked for that photo to be taken. I carry it with me always."

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