2》 Another One Comes For Us

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                    Rebecca's PoV

     I was woken up from a weird, creepy dream in the living room by a bloody thirsty scream. I looked over at Cheyenne and we shared the same startled look. I stood up and ran towards the room which I locked Raina in. Cheyenne followed right behind me and we hesitated for a moment. Cheyenne then started to move all the object that we moved to block the door, and then I opened it and immediately regretted to lock Raina in there.

     I see the window shattered into pieces and Raina on the ground, shaking in fear. But I was more surprised of what I saw in front of her. I thought I would never see him in real life, I thought he was just another myth from a story I read. His wide eyes that could never close, and everlasting smile. I looked over at Cheyenne and she started to back away.

     I looked back at the guy and he raised a kitchen knife that was aimed at Raina. As the situation proccessed through my mind, I quickly rushed over to Raina and pulled her away from his reach as the guy swung down his knife. I got her up to her feet and pushed her towards the door after giving her a few slaps on the cheek to wake her up and understand what was going on. I took another glimpse back at him and he seems displeased with what happened. The next thing I know, he starts to run towards us. None of us moved for a split moment until I screamed, "RUN!" I sprinted as fast as I could, following my friends.

     "Get out the house!" I screamed at them. They didn't have any other ideas and we all ran towards the back door, being chased by a psychpathic killer.

     Cheyenne slammed the door open and we all rushed out. I was almost out of breath and my chest pounded in pain but I ran like my life depended on it...cause it DID! None of us thought twice and we ran towards the woods, behind the house. Maybe we could lose him there?

     It was painful to run in the woods. Being barefooted and running on grounds with sharp object, yeah no fun. Then suddenly, something whizzed right past my ear. It only took me a second to realize that it was the guy's kitchen knife. It past me and pierced Cheyenne in the shoulder. She screamed in agony and dropped foward to the ground, crying. Cheyenne clutched her bloody shoulder that got the blade. I tried to get to her but Raina pulled me away, thinking that its better to have one than all.

     I saw him slow down to Cheyenne and stare at her. They were both only about 10 feet away from us and neither Raina nor I moved a muscle. He knelt next to her and forcefully took out the knife from her shoulderblade as Cheyenne screamed in pain. He kicked her over so she would be layimg on her back and said a simple phrase. It was short but he said it in such a psychotic way. "Why don't you go to sleep?"

     As he said that, he finished cleaning the excess blood from the knife with his blood stained hoodie. It was then I realized who he was. Jeffery Anderson Woods. In other words, Jeff the Killer. I tried to run towards Cheyenne but Raina kept me back saying that it's too dangerous. But I didn't want to see my friend die out here....not now, not ever.

     "Go to sleep." He said as he raised his knife, ready to brutally murder her, in front of our very eyes. But right as he was about to swing down the knife, something grabbed Jeff by one of his leg and pulled him away from Cheyenne, disappearing through the trees. I wanted to run towards her but this time, I felt like someone was waiting for me to go to her. I felt that something was wrong. Then I realized a question.

     What was the thing that grabbed him by the leg?

     I looked around to see what was happening, but sadly, tonight was a foggy night. I heard yelling and cursing coming from above so Raina and I looked up. To my surprise, I saw him. Jeff was hung upside down by his leg by something...but what? This time, Raina tried to go towards Cheyenne but I stopped her.

     "Wait, someone is there. I think it may be a trap." I said to her.

     "B-But, Cheyenne is suffering over there....only 10 feet away..." Raina replied.

     I had that "seriously?" look on my face. "Oh, yeah, really. You told me to not go to Cheyenne when I could, and now you're trying to get to her, you little hippocratic."

     "Well, I'm sorry!"

     I sighed in exasperation. With a moment of hesitation, I then yelled, "WHOEVER IS THERE, SHOW YOURSELF!"

     No answer. Instead of a reply, I heard light footsteps coming towards us, from behind the wounded Cheyenne. Soon enoigh I could make out a silhouette in the fog. I thought I was ready to see who it was. But, I wasn't expecting this.

     As the fugure came into view, I see a tall, skinny man in a black tux. Instead of having colored skin like normal people, the thing was pale. Like white, literally. Way whiter than Jeff's. I looked up to see the face-wait where's the face? Where his face was supposed to be, there was none. It was blank as a new white sheet of paper. Coming out from his back were a few black tendrils, one that was grabbing onto Jeff's leg.

     I couldnt believe my eyes. Another one? Why? What is this feeling? I...I cant move. I seemed to have been frozen with fear. Is this what he can do? With the corner of my eyes, I saw Raina, in the same situation as me. She opened her mouth to say something but she was stuttering way too much.

     "I-i-is th-that...sl-sle-sle-" Raina stuttered

     I nodded and finished for her, "Y-yeah....i-its...him...The Slenderman."


Ok yay another chapter. ^-^ please tell me what i can improve in....i think i have a lot of things to improve in...but tell me how u guys like it and if i should make more. thanks for coming through with this ok bai!

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