8》 One Night Down, Many More To Come

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                      Jeff's PoV

When I looked back, all I saw was pure darkness. I hesitated and stepped back a little. I turned around to see if I was accidentally looking the other direction, but I realized that I was swallowed in darkness. I couldn't see anything around me, like I was in an never-ending galaxy; except the stars and planets.

I felt something whizz past me, something that sent me the chills all over my back. The wind blew out the light from the torch. Then I heard a soft, eerie voice.

"Yesssssssss.....He's perfect.... " The voice echoed all around me.

I hastily turned around to try to find where the voice was coming from.

"The killer is perfect..."

I gripped the stick and threw it to where I thought they were.

"You, cowards!"

"Cowards? It seems like that you are the one who is scared here..."

"If you're not such a coward, then show yourself!"

The voices snickered at those words.

"We don't show ourselves to the one we choose...We haunt the ones that are meant to sacrifice..."

"The one you choose?" What are they talking about...

"But before we are sure...we shall test you..."


The scene totally changed...it was in the middle of the woods. I saw a campfire and the people I was with.

"Why did you take me back?"

"Oh, you're not back, yet..."

Then, Ben sat up from his sleep, without support from his hands. His face wasn't turned to me.

"Ben?" I asked, uncertainly.

To answer my question, he turned around, but just his head. Only his head turned slowly towards me, with a bitter smile. I jumped a little, with fear in my eyes.

"B-Ben...?" I stuttered as I tried to walk towards him. When I took a step, my foot kicked on something. When I looked down, I saw a knife laying in front on my foot. I kneeled down and picked it up, not keeping my eyes off of Ben. He kept on smilimg at me, with death in his eyes. I gripped tight on thr handle of the knife. Something wasn't right.

Then, everyone else sat up and stared into my soul. They all wore a creepy smile.

"They want to consume you...what will you do..." The voices taunted me.

Ben and the others stood up in unison and walked towards my direction. They all reached behind them and pulled out a knife, aiming it at me.

"They want you dead...what will you do..."

I looked down at the knife and stared at it until something peirced my left shoulder. I felt a sudden pain go all through my arm and into my body. I looked up to the people and they were all ready to throw their knives.

"It could only be a matter of seconds until you die, Jeff...What will you do..."

I felt very conflicted. I can't kill my friends...and I can't kill these girls or else Slendy will kill me. Then another on flew to my leg and it stabbed me right in the middle of my left thigh. I staggered backwards and fell to my knees. I guess there is only one option.

I slowly got up and charged towards my friends. I went towards the girls first and got to Raina. She also ran towards me with the knife out in front of her. At the last second, I ducked and spun behind her. Before she could process what had happened, I cut off her head with one slice. One down.

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