6》 The Chubby Bunny Challenge (extra chapter)

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                      Jeff's PoV

Finally....I'm tired as f*ck. After about an hour, we've made a successful campfire. No tent though...we got too lazy. With a help of the only, Jeff, we got a few logs around the campfire, so we will have a place to sit.

I slumped down on the ground, leaning against a log, facing the fire and let out a deep sigh.

"Finally thats over with..." I sighed.

I looked over to the girls and they were all over Masky. Since he got flown back and hit a tree, everyone was treating him like he is the center of attention, like it was his last few moments before he dies. They were trying to tend his wounds. I mean, what is there to tend? There's no flesh wound so he will be fine.

"It's ok, really, I'm ok guys." Masky claimed.

"You sure?" Raina asked.

"Are you really ok?" Cheyenne questioned.

"Ok, thank god..." Rebecca sighed.

They all sat down on the log on the other side of the campfire.

"So, how's it going dude?" Ben asked as he sat on the log, next to me.

"Worst day of my life..." I answered. "I'm stuck with these annoying b!tches and im not allowed to kill any of them."

"I feel yah, bro."

"I'M HUNGRY....." Raina suddenly complained.

"Well, congradulations! Would you like a..." Rebecca began to say as she took out a bag of marshmallows. "bag of delicious, squishy sweetness?"

Everyone, including me, stared at the bag.

Yeah, I get hungry too, ok? I'm still a human.

I think I saw Raina drool a little.

"Gimme!" Raina and Cheyenne shouted.

"Marshmallows? Never tried them before..." Ben muttered.

"Really? Me neither." Masky told Ben.

"OH I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!" Raina sufdenly blurted out as she stood up.

"Oh god, Raina. You startled me." Cheyenne said.

"Ok Raina, whats the 'great idea' you speak of?" Rebecca asked.


Everyone stared at her. I was not amused at all. "Really? You want to play chubby bunny?" I asked.

"Well, yeah! Cause I'm going to win!"

It was then the more, competitive side of me appeared. "OH REALLY?! YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING TO WIN?! I'M GONNA WIN THIS SH!T WITH MY AWESOME, GIANT MOUTH!!" I yelled at Raina.

"Oh no you're not!" Raina said as she took the bag of marshmallows from Rebecca's hands. She took one and stuffed it in her mouth. "Come at me bro. Chubby Bunny."

I got out a marshmallow from the bag and did what Raina did. "Chubby Bunny!"

"I WANNA JOIN TOO!" Cheyenne yelled

"I'll join." Ben said.

Soon enough, everyone but Rebecca and Masky had marshmallows stuffed in their mouths.

"Oh boy, this is not gonna end well..." Masky said.

"Oh! Bet you 5 bucks that either Raina or Jeff's going to barf! 10 if they both do." Rebecca announced.

"Ok, I'll also bet 5 bucks that either Cheyenne or Ben is going to barf. 10 if they both barf."

I can't believe that they made a bet like that...

I was too busy with the stupid game. But as much as I like to kill, I like to win. Cheyenne was the first to loose, followed by Ben.

"Dude, I dont get how you do this!" Ben choked as he was about to barf. But, I guess he swallowed it.

After a while, Raina and I were at 13 marshmallows. Raina seemed like she was suffering. I knew I would win.

I tried to speak to her with the 13 marshmallows in my mouth. "Raihna, admhhitt it, i'hm goihhn tho wihn!"

Somehow she understood that and replied, "No yhoo wohn't! wahch mhe whin ihn frohnt ohf yhou!"

Stubborn as always. It was my turn. I brought my hand to the bag and got a hold of a marshmallow. I stared at it and it made me gag a little. But, with a light force, I stretched my mouth a little to make room for the marshmallow. I then stuffed it in my mouth and said, "Chhhubbhy bhuhnnhy."

Raina looked surprised. She stared at me in disbelief as she took one marshmallow and right before she was able to stuff her face, she gagged and coughed violently, spitting out the marshmallows into the fire. Her face was turning green as she then turned to a tree and threw up.

I threw my hands in the air to show that I was victorious but I choked on a marshmallow. I spit them out and coughed for air. I felt something come up my throat. Before realizing it, chuncks of my food that I ate flew out of my mouth. I was in the same situation as Raina.

Cheyenne and Ben watched us barf and they too couldn't hold it in either and joined the Barfing Games. Rebecca and Masky stared at all of us throwing up.

"So....is this a tie-" Rebecca asked.

"-Yep this is a tie." Masky answered, interupting her.

I couldn't believe that the one time I throw up was in a stupid Chubby Bunny challenge...


Ok another chapter is finished! Hehe, yeah who has done the chubby bunny challenge? i didnt...yet. XD well thanks for reading this chapter! i will try to finish the next chapters ASAP! Stay tuned! (*^﹏^*) ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ

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