Chapter Five: Somewhere Safe

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Sephiram grimly looked over the mismatched group standing in front of him.

One was a psychotic princess who wore fearsome scowl on her face, one was a tall, lanky teen with unfortunately spiked hair, a wry girl with mismatched eye colors, and a young man with a shock of red hair and an attractive splattering of freckles. Sephy's eyes lingered on the last one.

Demitri clicked her tongue, "Sephiram." Oh. She had been talking. He pushed hair out of his face and attempted to pay attention. The princess had been warning the group about the... adverse... effects of teleporting via shadow.

"Puking? Don't you think that's a bit extreme?" Zaria asked.

Malachi shook his head, not liking the idea at all, "How do you know for sure that something won't go wrong?"

"I do this all the time," Caspian assured the two.

"Yeah but we don't."

Demitri was getting impatient, "If you guys would just calm down it won't-"

"Listen I really don't think it's a good idea to show up in a random location while feeling like shit..." Malachi interrupted.

"I live there, it's fine," The redhead countered.

"We don't know anything about that place though!"

"I do" Sephiram interjected.


Demitri sighed, opened the portal, and pushed Mal in. Caspian stared in disbelief at the princess, and was probably rethinking some life choices.

Demi smiled sweetly. "Who's next?"

Zaria shook her head. Sephiram laughed. "Let's go." He offered his arm to Cas. "Shall we?" He had found the journey was easier when you were anchored to another person.

Demitri glared at Zaria, and reluctantly held out her hand. "Don't waste any more time."

After they had regrouped, They walked in pairs with Caspian leading the way into the Dark Palace. Demitri and Sephiram brought up the rear to make sure the troublemakers stayed in line.

Entering the castle, Caspian sensed something was horribly wrong. The place was deserted. Not a soul in sight.

No one stopped them as they walked through the eerily empty halls.

"Where are all the people? Is this normal?" Malachi asked.

Caspian shook his head, "No, not at all." Something was definitely wrong. The group continued deeper into the Dark palace's walls.

Footsteps echoed through the hallways, the only sound to break the silence.

Suddenly, a harsh keening sound filled the room. Zaria clutched at her ears, and seemed to be in pain.

"What is that?!" Malachi yelled over the din.

The sound only grew louder, intensifying as the source seemed to draw closer. Then a huge shockwave blasted the palace, and tremors were felt in the walls.

Cas cursed. The palace seemed to be under attack, but the Factions were in a period of peace. Some foreign power was attacking, and from the looks of the castle, the Majin were not winning.

Caspian threw open the doors to the throne room. Inside was most of the castle guards, Knights and Magicians. At the head of the room was an older woman dressed in flowing gray robes standing beside a well dressed young man.

Approaching them swiftly, Caspian bowed gracefully, "My Queen. Prince."

Zaria and Malachi followed suit, bowing as well. Sephiram looked on with interest. Demitri wore a decidedly bored look and performed a small gesture that might have been mistaken for a curtsy.

The mother and son shared bright, electric blue eyes and raven black hair. While the queen smiled softly at Caspian, the prince flung himself towards the unsuspecting man.

"It took you long enough!" He exclaimed.

Cas returned the prince's embrace then held him out at arms length. "What's going on?" Caspian asked him.

"Pandemonium is attacking," said the queen. Caspian looked at her with horror.

"Now?!" He exclaimed. "Why did no one tell me?"

"You were already gone dear." The Queen placed a hand on Caspian's shoulder. He then turned his attention to the prince.

"Why aren't you out there like last time?" He asked. "God knows you're strong enough."

"They won't let me," said the prince. "It's worse this time. Way way worse."

"Caspian I need you to do something for me," the Queen stole his attention once more. "I need you to hide Rhys away in Pandemonium."

"Are you insane?!" Both boys asked at once.

"It's the safest place for him now," the Queen said.

"What about you though?" Rhys asked his mother.

"I'll tell you when I know..."

"So you're sending us away? What if you die?" Rhys demanded of his mother. "How will we know to come back?"

"You won't," the Queen said. "Just trust me please son. The King of the Light has already demanded you take his daughter too."

"What?" Demitri demanded, interrupting their conversation. "I am not just leaving. Running is for cowards."

The Queen gave her a stern look. "I ask for caution, not cowardice. This is for the best." She left no room for question.

The princess was silent, she couldn't bring herself to object.

Malachi nudged Zaria, and mouthed something like, 'Go on.'

Zaria stepped closer to the Dark Queen and looked her in the eye.

"Miss... I am Zaria Kaden Warsinger. Weapons specialist and inventor to the King and Queen. I give my word and permission for you to access all blueprints and weapons documents and designs. They will not disappoint you."

As it turns out, the Fire Realm was best known for it's inventors. Creating the best tools and weapons, the Fire Majin led the way in weapon making.

"She's quite good, Lady Queen." Malachi added. "The best there is."

The Queen looked the group up and down. "I think you all are the right people for this job. Please, keep the princess and my prince safe."

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