Chapter Eighteen: Be my Guest

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Zaria woke, and she could sense the heat of several bodies around her. The girl groaned. It felt like someone had smacked her in the head with a brick. Glancing up she could feel the heat of two people standing in front of her, and Caspian and Sephiram slumped next to her on the floor.

"Well, well. Look who's finally awake," an unfamiliar voice taunted. She could sense the man in front of her. He was large, but that was the only thing she could tell about him.

"Take the men to a separate cell. I'll question the little girl first..." The man commanded. Immediately the other captor hoisted Cas and Seph and dragged them away.

"It's so nice to see you. I'm so happy we'll be sharing this time together," the man said. His voice had a torturous, teasing tone.

Zaria moved her handcuffed hands towards the man, trying to burn him. A flaming chain-like whip lashed out towards the interrogator. After not using her powers in so long, she didn't have as much control as she usual did. The attack missed him by a foot.

"Wow," said the man, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "That was a real good one. You know... I've always wondered if a Fire Majin's powers could work in water. Let's test that theory. Shall we?" Zaria felt herself being lifted by two unfamiliar hands. She struggled and tried to burn him again, but her hands were tied down so she wasn't able to get a good shot with her flames.

Zaria was thrown into a tub filled with ice water. She let out a sudden shriek from the shock of the cold. She found herself being chained to the sides of the tub. Now she really couldn't move. She attempted to use her powers again. Nothing happened. The man was right. Her powers were useless in water.

"So," the man drawled, "We hear you've been hiding in our territory. We know it's not just the three of you. Where are the other filthy little magicians?"

Zaria didn't answer, and started to feel her teeth start chattering. Fire Majin were not made for the cold.

"Come on, doll," the man cooed at her. "If you answer me, I'll let you go."

"You're lying," Zaria told him. She heard him laugh from behind her and she was suddenly grabbed by the throat. Gasping as her breathing was restricted, she felt frustratingly helpless.

"We know you're not alone and we know that you're capable of creating weapons far more powerful than our technology. So I cannot afford to kill you. I value my life, so do me a favor and tell us. We already have your blueprints and someone who can translate the braille for us. All we need to know is where your friends are." The fingers around her throat tightened and Zaria felt her face turning blue.

"Give in. There is no hope for you or your people." He smirked, a cold light gleamed in eyes. Zaria didn't need to see to know that he was enjoying this. "In a matter of months all the cocky little rebels will be dead, usurpers in chains, and all you witches in camps."

She attempted to speak but no sound came out. She began to panic from lack of oxygen. Suddenly, she could breathe again. She gasped loudly and coughed a few times.

"I won't tell you anything," she forced out the words.

"Oh perfect," said the man. "Smith!" he demanded of another guard. "Bring me my tools. If she won't talk, we'll make her talk."


Caspian found himself in a stone cell, watching as Sephiram paced the room. The blonde man was trying to think of a way to escape the cell. His constant movement was not only wearing on his patience, but also his nerves. He felt at any moment those guards would march in and drag him off, or even worse, take Sephiram away.

"Seph," Caspian tried.

"Not now," Sephiram snapped at him. Caspian narrowed his eyes but said nothing. Cas watched as Seph approached the cell bars and attempted to find a weakness. Seph had been trying to use his powers to cause the cell door to burst open, but he was having no luck. They were having trouble figuring out why his powers wouldn't work. Usually it would be simple bend bars or melt and bust the lock. For some reason nothing worked in this cell.

"Sephiram, please," Caspian pleaded. Finally, Seph sighed and sat down on the ground across from him. "I'll try something, okay?" Cas offered a weak smile. He stood and held out his hands. The shadows of the cell rushed to him. He pointed to the lock. The cell shook for a moment, but ultimately nothing happened.

"Fuck," both men said at once. The room seemed to block their powers somehow. Caspian sighed and slumped down next to Sephiram. Cas reached for his hand. Seph allowed the redhead to twine their fingers together. They sat quietly for what seemed like forever until they heard footsteps.

A scream emanated through the halls and into their cell, loud and clear. It was an impossible octave, almost inhuman. Zaria. Caspian glanced at Seph. He saw something close to fear in his eyes. Cas gripped the blonde man's fingers. He shuddered, and moved closer to him. Seph would never admit to being afraid, to him, fear was a weakness. Caspian had no such reservations. This was fucking hell.

The cell door was thrown open and Caspian had to fight to keep Sephiram from attempting to lunge at the guards. Between two fully armored men was a slumped figure, as they walked her feet dragged across the concrete. Zaria was bruised and bleeding.

The young girl was tossed to the floor. She groaned in pain. Caspian rushed to her side to help her. She had several long cuts on her arms and dark bruises on her neck. Her skin was cold and she was racked with shivers. "What the hell did they do to you?" Cas asked her.

"One of you will be next. Tomorrow." A guard informed them, she looked them over coldly and smirked. Then the guards turned and left the three Majin alone in the dark cell; a cell where none of their powers worked and one of their friends was slowly bleeding out.

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